Sunday, April 15, 2012

I needed that.

We have all been in a Sacrament Meeting where the spirit is so strong it makes you cry. I was in a meeting like this today. I wish there was a way to bottle the feeling that was in the room and keep it for later use. I guess in a way that is what I am trying to do with this post. I want to be able to look back on this in the coming months and remember exactly what I felt today.

A sweet Sister Missionary recently return home and we were privileged to hear her speak today. She returned from Bolivia last week and brought many sweet souvenirs with her. Not the kind she packed in her suitcase and gave to family and friends upon her return. She shared with the congregation today the souvenirs she had neatly packed into her heart. Stories of faith, love and conversion were shared. She told of a women well into her 90's who found the joy of the Gospel. A sweet sister who found the love and forgiveness of her Savior and joined his fold. We were also told of a gentleman who found the support system he needed in his family, friends and most importantly his Savior.

I was touched by each story and my testimony was strengthened. She then shared a scripture that touched my heart: Luke 22: 42-43. In this scripture an angel is sent to the Savior to strengthen Him. She asked the question, What do you think the Angel would have said to him to give him the strength to continue with the Atonement? After a minute she said something to this effect of she thinks the angel said "Do it for...." She said she imagined the angel telling the Savior all of our names, giving Him the strength to do it for us.

I am not able to fully understand the Atonement and all that my Savior went through for me. However, thinking of it in this way made it so personal to me. I had tears running down my face and I was filled with love for my Savior. He did it for me because he loves me!!

Another moment at church today that got thinking was during Relief Society. The lesson was on exaltation, which was bound to be a great lesson all on it own. At one point we were discussing the fact the we lived as spirits before we came to this earth. This made me reflect on my Patriarchal Blessing and the insight I have there into my spirit and the things I did in the Pre-existence. I love my blessing so much. This was a good time for me to think about the person I am in contrast to the person I can be. I have some work to do in order to make all that I can be come to pass, and now is as good as time as any to get started.

I love Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know where I came form, why I am here and where I am going!!


  1. Thanks for sharing cutie! Sweet reminders are always what I need!

  2. Wow! You are back! Great post. I could feel the spirit through your sharing of this. Thanks!
