Tuesday, April 6, 2010

His name shall be HENRY!

You know when you have a very large Elephant in the room. Well I am living with said Elephant. He has moved in, follows me from room to room, has a looming presence. And to my knowledge is not paying any portion of the rent. I have yet to be formerly introduced and to be frank I am OK with that. I tend to get attached to things once I know their name. And I am ready for him to be gone FOREVER! I know that he is a him because he is causing me some serious grief. Like most men in my life. So using my deductive reasoning skills I have determined he is in fact a HIM!

I have been told we are not going to talk about him. We will pretend he does not exist and all will be well. I am not entirely sure how this will work. You see he is the size of an ELEPHANT!!! But alas I will refrain and not talk about him. I will instead feel his beady little eyes peer into the back of head. He is very taunting. He wants to be talked about. You see he is somewhat of a glory hog. But seeing as we are not allowed to talk about him at this time. He is going to just hang in the air taunting me.

I am not sure how long he will stay. But as long as he is here I have decided he needs a name. Not his actual name. Remember I have attachment issues and especially to inanimate objects. So I will give him a name of my choosing. That name shall be Henry. It is a good Strong name. And the first 2 letters reconfirm that he is a he. Also I like to say it because it makes me think of Ever After and a good Chick Flick reference is always nice.

So Henry welcome to my house. I hope you enjoy your stay. Please feel free to do any tiding up in you spare time. And remember I will not be the least bit sad to see you leave. Until then lets try to make this arrangement the best we can for everyone.


  1. Is HE a dog or something? Or perhaps some kind of a rodent? Not unless it's an ROUS, because you said he is large. My deductive skills have come to a halt. I have no idea what you're talking about.

  2. Oh dear. I think I should have been home tonight. I really hope I didn't invite Henry. But if I did, let me know so I can kick him out! Love you!

  3. Well no he is not a rodent. I would not be ok with that! He is nothing more than a conversation that can not be had. You know the old saying "Espose the Elephant in the Room." That is all, I was just venting about the angst he is going to bring to my life! At least until we have said conversation or he just goes away! Have no fear friends...All is well in Zion!

  4. Hey you can talk to me about the elephant if it will help - of course, it will probably make him bigger, never mind.

    Good luck.

  5. Hey Aub, I told you we can arrange a date for you. Ashlee can babysit and you can have your talk with your elephant. And John and I are pretty cool people to hand out with to boot! Great idea. Let me know when you are sick of Henry and want to give him a real name!
