Thursday, March 18, 2010


There are many things that can be stretched. Taffy, gum, rubber bands, a dollar, Stretch Armstrong, your checkbook, a bungee cord. The list could go on and on. But it is late and I need to go to bed at sometime this night. On the contrary there are things that are not meant to be stretched. Your waist, your limbs, your sanity and your values. There are also some that may not be the easy to stretch but we tend to give it a good effort! Like time, we all seem to want more of that.

Do you ever feel you are stretched to the limit? I am talking you can feel the threads fraying in your rope? Well that is about where I am these days. Please don't think I am about to loose it. And that that all inclusive trip the to BHU is in my near future. That trip will probably happen in this life. But I feel confident it is a far way off! At least I think it is...

I just feel like I have nothing left to give. I am pulled in so many directions all of the time. My job needs me, my family needs me, my calling needs me, my friends need me, my laundry needs me, my bills need me, my phone is often ringing with some one that needs me on the other end, my bed needs me, I NEED ME!!! Please don't get me wrong I love and appreciate all of these things. Some more than others. For instance my family, my church, my friends, my bed, and my job. I could do without the bills, voicemail, and some parts of my job.

Please tell me I am not the only person out there that would love a few days to be selfish! I want to think about me and only me for about a week! I want to get a hotel, watch cable, go to the ice machine and wear my pj's til noon without judgement! I want to spend lots of money on me without regard to the fact that I could spend in elsewhere! I want to get in my car and drive until I run out of music! I want to forget my cell phone and find that I have not missed X# of calls. But rather that it sat there lifeless for a while.

I guess it is time to say I need a vacation. I need to get away from my life and "chillax" for awhile. I know that most of the pressure I am feeling is warranted. But some of it is simply because I am being to hard on myself. And I simply spread myself to thin. If I CAN make things fit into my life to help others out I truly try to make it work. Sometimes I drive myself crazy! Maybe it is because I have been around myself for so long. I think it is normal to start to bug yourself after this many years! I know how I want things to work in my head. But getting them to work outside of my head is sometimes hard! The word NO is not one that is often in my vocabulary. However I need to add it soon.

Well I am feeling a little better. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! I am sorry that the last couple of posts have not been the light fluffy stuff you are used to. Those post are about to make a come back into your world! But I just needed to vent for minute. And since the name of this blog is Aubrey's Outlet I will use it as such!


  1. Yes Aubrey you need and can have as many selfish days as you want. It is ok to make time for yourself, thats not a bad thing I promise!! Someitmes we forget to take care of ourselves, and thats not good, you need to take care of you too!!!! so go get a hotel room and pack only fluffy comfy pj's and do nothing but eat what ever you want and stay in bed ALL day and watch tons of movies and tv!!!
    love you :)

  2. I totally understand how you're feeling... and yet, when I look at my phone and there are not x number of missed calls, I feel sad, like no one needs me... or wants to talk to me!

    But then again, when I'm low on text messages, and I see that someone texted me, I get kind of bugged... there's just no way to please me.

    I have an idea... why don't you take some time on Sun night and have a little movie-watching relaxation fun? Oh... that's right... you did.

    And it was fun. Thanks!

  3. I have so been where you are at. I found the word "no" about 6 months ago and it is quickly becoming my favorite word! You should give yourself 2 days this weekend where you turn your phone off, rent a bunch of movies and stay in your PJ's all day :)
