Thursday, March 11, 2010


Tonight I have a head full of thoughts all running about. Thoughts of all kinds funny, silly, strange, outlandish, sad, depressing, hopeful and even lame. But they are my thoughts and all I can do is try to sort them out! My life is in a sort of funk these days and I am not really sure why. Nor am I sure what to do about it. I have an amazing family, great friends, a good job, my dream car, roof over my head and testimony that my Heavenly Father is aware of and loves me. But...still things feel sort of BLAH. I try to be happy and upbeat all the time. But that is hard to do. I guess we all feel like this from time to time. I am just not used to it and to be honest I don't like it much. I don't feel it is a good look for me. Something like if I were to wear lots and lots of yellow. That is also not a good look for me. Maybe all of this has something to do with the number 28. Then again who knows 28 could become me new favorite number!!! But alas this is my life and I need to figure out a way to enjoy it...All of it! Now don't go getting all worried about me. I am fine I just needed to vent for a few minutes. Now I feel much better, and a little less funky! I think I need to go to bed. Like my mom as always said. Well 2 things...1.Things always look better in the morning. and 2. This to shall pass. I love my life I really do! Sometimes it is just hard to like it.


  1. Not that this does anything to help, but I COMPLETELY understand! I wonder how many late night talks we've had about this very thing! I'm here if you need some more talking! Love you!

  2. Let's just hope the sunshine comes out soon and spring flowers start to bloom. Spring means new beginnings and we can all get out of our little funks :)

  3. Woohoo!! I am SUPER excited about May.... keep me posted on everything!

  4. sweet Aubrey, I totally understand!! and yes it does pass, promise!!!!!!!

    Life is good and good friends, family and the sun will drive the funk away! :)
