Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Who the heck to I think I am???

So here I sit on my couch with tears in my eyes, wondering who the heck I think I am. Why do I think I can go back to school and do well? How do I think I am going to find time to study and work? How will I afford to live if I quit my job? I just wonder if I am cut out for this...

I am not as young as I once was. Maybe I am loosing brain cells or something but I am not doing well. I am not sure how to study anymore. I don't know how to make my brain remember the things I read. I don't know how to make it make sense to me. I am not sure how to make the information become more than just words on a page. I am just not good at this....

I am not writing this down on here to make everyone feel bad for me or worry. I am need to vent it out. I know that attitude is everything and that if I think I will fail... I probably will. I just need to have a minute to freak out and consider dropping out of school!! I won't really do it, but it is . Also I know that whether I know every step of the Nitrogen Cycle or the difference in Prokaryote and Eukaryote organisms does not reflect the kind of nurse I will be. I just can't help but think that if this class is not sinking in then... Who the heck do I think I am!!??

So I will shed some tears and have a minor freak out and then go to bed. But before I go to sleep I will say my prayers and be thankful that my professor will drop a test!!


  1. YOU CAN DO IT!!! If you can't believe in yourself right now, I'll believe enough for you!

  2. Before I start preaching, I just want to say this: I know exactly how you feel.

    Having said that, here it comes:

    "...forget not to be patient with yourself.... Please remember also to be compassionate... with yourself." --President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Forget Me Not.

    "...if we exercise our faith and look to God for help, like President Monson, we will not be overwhelmed with the burdens of life. We will not feel incapable of what we... need to do. We will be strengthened and our lives will be filled with peace and joy. We will come to realize that most of what we worry about is not of eternal significance. And if it is, the Lord will help us." --Elder Carl B. Cook (watch talk)

  3. You can do this!! And, on a side note, I'm happy to see posts!
