I have been meaning to write this post all week. But things kept popping up and blogging got pushed back. Here it is Christmas Eve and I have a few moments to get some thoughts out of my head and onto my screen. People used to say "out of my head and onto paper." But times are changing I suppose.
My ward choir sang O Holy Night last week in Sacrament meeting. It was absolutely beautiful, if I do say so myself. Launa is our choir director and she did some "Tweaking" to add in a harmony part and some Violin parts. I was in the choir and I loved that. However I do wish I could have been in congregation and just listen. The words are amazing and the Spirit is so strong when ever I hear that song. My favorite line is "His law is love, and His gospel is peace." So simple, profound and thought provoking. That got me to thinking there is always one line or phrase in a song that seems to speaks to you. I love Christmas and I adore the Christmas music that is always played this time of year.
So I have decided to look over my favorite Christmas songs and find that "Line that speaks to me." After all they are all about the wonderful gift we were given so many years ago. When our Savior was born as a tiny baby, in a stable because there was no room for Him in the Inn. May we always have room for him in our lives.
Joy to the World- Let the earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare him room.
Oh, Come All Ye Faithful- Son of the Father, now in flesh appearing.
Silent Night- Son of God, loves pure light
Angels We Have Hear on High- Come, adore on bended knee Christ the Lord the new-born King.
Away in a Manger- Be near me lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay close by me forever and love me I pray.
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem- The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
Hark The Herald Angels Sing- Born that man no more may die.
The First Noel- And to the earth it gave great light, and so it continued both day and night.
I heard the Bells on Christmas Day- God is not dead, nor doth he sleep.
All of these songs remind me of what the season is all about. I am so thankful for my loving Heavenly Father who sent his son, my Savior to the earth so I can return to live with him someday. I often think how can he love me that much?? I am just one person among the millions on the earth. Yet somehow He does. We are all his children and he wants us all back. I know that the true meaning of Christmas is not what may be wrapped for me under the tree but rather what I feel in my heart. I love Christmas it is my most favorite time of the year. Because everyone seems to be kinder, more understanding and loving. I hope to carry the feeling I have felt this season with me all year!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Cocktail Party...Mormon style!
You have all seen the fancy parties attended by the Hollywood elite. You know the ones covering the pages of every magazine in the checkout line. Well a thought occurred to us a while back. We can party like Rock Stars too. So we did!
We threw a Moctail Party with all the fixin's! There was a full array of drinks to please all tastes. Martinis, Margaritas, Pina Coladas, Daiquiris, Shots, Champagne, Beer, and Jello Shots. Don't go getting all alarmed on me. EVERYTHING was VIRGIN!!! There was not a drop of anything that would make you the least bit tipsy!
We told our guests this was a "Black Tie Affair" in hopes that everyone would come all gussied up! Most people took advantage of this chance to pull out their best duds. Getting all dressed up every now and then is a great feeling.
Christmas music filled the air, Christmas lights set the atmosphere and lots of laughing could be heard all night! The pool table was a hit and it seemed fitting that billiards would be played at such a party.
People ate finger foods and chatted the night away! We did white elephant gifts and I walked away with a really old can of escargot! It is nasty, but something that will be fun to give away at the next party!
All in all it was a success! Everyone had a blast and took lots of pictures! It is not everyday you can see your friends walking around holding a martini glass or beer bottle. And acting as though it is the most normal thing in the world! Then have those same friends sit next to you in church 2 days later. It was something that needed to be documented! We are looking forward to doing it all over again!
Alicia came to check out the party!
Notice she is holding 3 drinks!
She is also 7 months pregnant!
Good thing those are virgin drinks!

You know it is a good party when there is a big
mess to clean up!

White Elephant gift exchange. Some people took
the "Black Tie Affair" Tuxes and everything!
Buying all the "booze" at Walmart. I am sure people thought our next stop was the liquor store. Little did they know that Mt. Dew was as hard as we got!
The Pina Colada was the favorite drink of the night!

We threw a Moctail Party with all the fixin's! There was a full array of drinks to please all tastes. Martinis, Margaritas, Pina Coladas, Daiquiris, Shots, Champagne, Beer, and Jello Shots. Don't go getting all alarmed on me. EVERYTHING was VIRGIN!!! There was not a drop of anything that would make you the least bit tipsy!
We told our guests this was a "Black Tie Affair" in hopes that everyone would come all gussied up! Most people took advantage of this chance to pull out their best duds. Getting all dressed up every now and then is a great feeling.
Christmas music filled the air, Christmas lights set the atmosphere and lots of laughing could be heard all night! The pool table was a hit and it seemed fitting that billiards would be played at such a party.
People ate finger foods and chatted the night away! We did white elephant gifts and I walked away with a really old can of escargot! It is nasty, but something that will be fun to give away at the next party!
All in all it was a success! Everyone had a blast and took lots of pictures! It is not everyday you can see your friends walking around holding a martini glass or beer bottle. And acting as though it is the most normal thing in the world! Then have those same friends sit next to you in church 2 days later. It was something that needed to be documented! We are looking forward to doing it all over again!
Alicia came to check out the party!
Notice she is holding 3 drinks!
She is also 7 months pregnant!
Good thing those are virgin drinks!
You know it is a good party when there is a big
mess to clean up!
White Elephant gift exchange. Some people took
the "Black Tie Affair" Tuxes and everything!
Buying all the "booze" at Walmart. I am sure people thought our next stop was the liquor store. Little did they know that Mt. Dew was as hard as we got!
The Pina Colada was the favorite drink of the night!
Just a friendly game of pool. Beverages and Billiards makes for a great evening!
Monday, November 9, 2009
I love...
You all know those days when you feel particularly bugged by the world in general!? I am talking the sock wrinkle, ran out of shampoo, could not find the car keys, missed breakfast, and hit every red light. All on your way to the one place you need be going right then. We have all had those days right? Please tell me I am not alone! On any given day any or all of those things would be fine. But then there are those days when these things threaten to put you over the edge!
Well today was not quite that day, but close! I found that I was getting irritated by little things. Like the fact that the clock was insistent on moving so slow. Or that patient in the waiting room who was yelling into the phone for 15 minutes. And to make it worse she was repeating the same thing over and over! I was bugged by red lights, the need to clean my house, the lack of motivation to clean said house. I also was bugged to see that it is pitch black at 5:30 pm, and I need to dig my coat out of where ever that place is I put it last spring!
So after deciding this is not a good way to feel I have decided to write down some of the little things that totally make my day! I think we can all be a freak in our own right. So I make no apology for these little things that brighten my world!
I love...
Crisp morning air
The smell of freshly sharpened pencils
Brand new crayons
Baby lotion
New socks
High thread count sheets
Loud (you can hear it when you move) bedding
The sound of my phone ringing
A clean room
An email from a friend
A letter in the mail, that is not asking for money
Cream of Wheat
The first snowfall
Laughing until my face hurts over something totally lame.
Crying, because sometimes you just need to
The sound of footsteps. Think heels on cement!
Ice cold water
Just out of the dryer hot towels
Babies laughing
String cheese
Sleeping with a fan on all year round
Having my face really cold and the rest of me warm and toasty while I sleep
Remembering the fun memories of our childhood as adults
Looking back through old pictures
Being with people who love me
my family
my friends
There are lots more that I could write down but i think that is a good start! I hope to remember these things more often and not let the "Other Stuff" get to me! Life is to short to spend lots of time being "Bugged." Unless you work for the CIA in which case being Bugged is really a good thing!
Well today was not quite that day, but close! I found that I was getting irritated by little things. Like the fact that the clock was insistent on moving so slow. Or that patient in the waiting room who was yelling into the phone for 15 minutes. And to make it worse she was repeating the same thing over and over! I was bugged by red lights, the need to clean my house, the lack of motivation to clean said house. I also was bugged to see that it is pitch black at 5:30 pm, and I need to dig my coat out of where ever that place is I put it last spring!
So after deciding this is not a good way to feel I have decided to write down some of the little things that totally make my day! I think we can all be a freak in our own right. So I make no apology for these little things that brighten my world!
I love...
Crisp morning air
The smell of freshly sharpened pencils
Brand new crayons
Baby lotion
New socks
High thread count sheets
Loud (you can hear it when you move) bedding
The sound of my phone ringing
A clean room
An email from a friend
A letter in the mail, that is not asking for money
Cream of Wheat
The first snowfall
Laughing until my face hurts over something totally lame.
Crying, because sometimes you just need to
The sound of footsteps. Think heels on cement!
Ice cold water
Just out of the dryer hot towels
Babies laughing
String cheese
Sleeping with a fan on all year round
Having my face really cold and the rest of me warm and toasty while I sleep
Remembering the fun memories of our childhood as adults
Looking back through old pictures
Being with people who love me
my family
my friends
There are lots more that I could write down but i think that is a good start! I hope to remember these things more often and not let the "Other Stuff" get to me! Life is to short to spend lots of time being "Bugged." Unless you work for the CIA in which case being Bugged is really a good thing!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
At least the lights are pretty...
So there I was Monday night, sitting at my computer minding my own business. When out of nowhere something strange happened. I started to see flashing lights and lots of movement from, in and around my left eye. Everything with my right eye seemed to be in check. I was a little alarmed by this new development. So being like most people I made a status update on facebook! Something to the effect of " Seeing flashes of light from my left eye, pretty sure that is not normal." I figured anyone out there with knowledge on the subject would let me know. I got a pretty intense headache that lasted only about 10 minutes. So all thoughts that this could be a migraine were out the window. I just have flashing lights and what is best described as water ripples in everything I see for no good reason.
When my mom saw the post on facebook she called right away. She was concerned that I might have a tear in my Retina. What the heck? I thought you had to have some kind of trauma to do that sort of thing. I am no Eye Dr. but I am pretty sure the Retina is tacked down pretty well. And should not be coming loose like a filling placed in a cavity. The only trauma my head has faced would be the constant blowing of my nose. And it is not like I am trying to win an award and blowing much harder than necessary. Another friend commented on my status about a Retina tear and suggested I see a Dr. ASAP. Well I decided to sleep on it and see if the only light I saw in the morning was that of the rising sun.
Morning came and much to me dismay I was still seeing the little flashes. And although that are pretty and such. I like my life much better without them. So I decided I needed to get it checked out by a professional. I called my eye Dr's office and the nice lady on the other end told "He will want to see you for sure, because that is not normal." Great!!! I went to his office and did the regular eye exam. Most of which went rather well I thought! He was not sure what the problem could be. But NO RETINA TEAR so that was a good sign! He mentioned a number of things that could be the cause. Like a Migraine, stress, associated with the nerve damage in my shoulder, among other Dr jargon type things...
I am hoping it is just from my shoulder, that seems the most likely.
He wanted me to go have a Vision Field Study. This test will pin point the part of the eye that is effected. And it is also the cheapest test to do at this point! I felt good about this, I like cheap things! I went to the appointment today for this test. Let me just say it was super lame! Kind of like the very first video games. You look into a dome shaped thing. They flash tiny lights all around you. You are push a button when you see a light. Or when you "think" you have seen a light. (It is also a good way to question your sanity.) Really? Does the fact that I am always seeing some sort of light matter? I guess not because we did the test! Talk about pressure... I had 3 thoughts running through my mind during this test. 1) I feel like a pirate with this eye patch on. 2) I wonder if this is what Captain Picard feels like when he is on the Starship Enterprise. 3) Brian Regan and his stint about the eye Dr. in his stand up comedy act. "This is not a test you want to fail. If you do you come out with some sort of coming attraction Hubble Telescope glasses."
The test was over and the nice girl asked me what the Dr was looking for. And was very sweet and smiled when I told her. I asked her how things looked and like any good tech she said "I don't know, I just run the machine!"
So now I just wait to hear from my Dr. I hope he calls soon so I will KNOW!! But also so I can tell him that things are improving and the lights are becoming less and less!!! Because i am sure he is dying to know this!
When my mom saw the post on facebook she called right away. She was concerned that I might have a tear in my Retina. What the heck? I thought you had to have some kind of trauma to do that sort of thing. I am no Eye Dr. but I am pretty sure the Retina is tacked down pretty well. And should not be coming loose like a filling placed in a cavity. The only trauma my head has faced would be the constant blowing of my nose. And it is not like I am trying to win an award and blowing much harder than necessary. Another friend commented on my status about a Retina tear and suggested I see a Dr. ASAP. Well I decided to sleep on it and see if the only light I saw in the morning was that of the rising sun.
Morning came and much to me dismay I was still seeing the little flashes. And although that are pretty and such. I like my life much better without them. So I decided I needed to get it checked out by a professional. I called my eye Dr's office and the nice lady on the other end told "He will want to see you for sure, because that is not normal." Great!!! I went to his office and did the regular eye exam. Most of which went rather well I thought! He was not sure what the problem could be. But NO RETINA TEAR so that was a good sign! He mentioned a number of things that could be the cause. Like a Migraine, stress, associated with the nerve damage in my shoulder, among other Dr jargon type things...
I am hoping it is just from my shoulder, that seems the most likely.
He wanted me to go have a Vision Field Study. This test will pin point the part of the eye that is effected. And it is also the cheapest test to do at this point! I felt good about this, I like cheap things! I went to the appointment today for this test. Let me just say it was super lame! Kind of like the very first video games. You look into a dome shaped thing. They flash tiny lights all around you. You are push a button when you see a light. Or when you "think" you have seen a light. (It is also a good way to question your sanity.) Really? Does the fact that I am always seeing some sort of light matter? I guess not because we did the test! Talk about pressure... I had 3 thoughts running through my mind during this test. 1) I feel like a pirate with this eye patch on. 2) I wonder if this is what Captain Picard feels like when he is on the Starship Enterprise. 3) Brian Regan and his stint about the eye Dr. in his stand up comedy act. "This is not a test you want to fail. If you do you come out with some sort of coming attraction Hubble Telescope glasses."
The test was over and the nice girl asked me what the Dr was looking for. And was very sweet and smiled when I told her. I asked her how things looked and like any good tech she said "I don't know, I just run the machine!"
So now I just wait to hear from my Dr. I hope he calls soon so I will KNOW!! But also so I can tell him that things are improving and the lights are becoming less and less!!! Because i am sure he is dying to know this!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
It is going to be OK!
So let me say first and foremost that I am OK with my life. I am not loving every SINGLE minute of it. But for the most part I am OK with the way things are! I have a great family that is always there for me, awesome friends who love me, a good job that I happen to love, and the Church is true! I still think that there are times in our lives where being OK is the best we can do! Would I like some aspects of my life to be different? Sure I would. I would love for there to be less of me, I would love to make more money, I would love to add the that great family I talk about. So being OK is good enough for now. It is not easy to be alone in this big world, nor is it fun. However I would much rather be alone than in a bad or unhappy relationship. Because I know there are far worse things than being single. I have seen some of those relationships play out, and thank my lucky stars I am not faced with those kinds of trials.
Having said that...
Sometimes people who are in relationships or even married try to help a little to much. They tend to tip toe around those of us who are not there yet. I know they are trying to not rub their bliss into our faces. But truth be told this hurts even more. I want to know the fun things that are happening in your life. I want to know the details of your dates. I want to know the cute things he said to you that made you have butterflies. I want to be involved in your life! Please know that I am able to handle the fact that I am not there now. I will share my stories of this nature with you when the time comes. Believe me I have a list of people who will have to sit through all the painful details!!! And even though this trial is harder at time than it is at others. It has nothing to do with my happiness for you! If we are friends it is for a reason! And whether you are dating, engaged or married I still want to be part of you life!
I know that things have to change and people move on! Believe me I know about this all to well. I understand that this person is a huge part of you life and will be for a long time. PLEASE understand We (those still single) are trying to get used to the new way of doing things! Change is not something that you get used to over night! It just takes some getting used to is all. But that does not mean in anyway that we are not wanting to be part of it! Really if you think about it we are living through you, so please don't leave us out!!
I know this was a lot of rambling and maybe it did not even make any sense. But I guess what I am trying to say is this. Even though being at this stage in my life is not my idea of fun. I am OK!! I also am trying to say that not being in the loop is much worse that it seems. So I am doing my part to expose this ELEPHANT in the room!
I know someday these things will happen in my life too! So until then I will be OK!
Having said that...
Sometimes people who are in relationships or even married try to help a little to much. They tend to tip toe around those of us who are not there yet. I know they are trying to not rub their bliss into our faces. But truth be told this hurts even more. I want to know the fun things that are happening in your life. I want to know the details of your dates. I want to know the cute things he said to you that made you have butterflies. I want to be involved in your life! Please know that I am able to handle the fact that I am not there now. I will share my stories of this nature with you when the time comes. Believe me I have a list of people who will have to sit through all the painful details!!! And even though this trial is harder at time than it is at others. It has nothing to do with my happiness for you! If we are friends it is for a reason! And whether you are dating, engaged or married I still want to be part of you life!
I know that things have to change and people move on! Believe me I know about this all to well. I understand that this person is a huge part of you life and will be for a long time. PLEASE understand We (those still single) are trying to get used to the new way of doing things! Change is not something that you get used to over night! It just takes some getting used to is all. But that does not mean in anyway that we are not wanting to be part of it! Really if you think about it we are living through you, so please don't leave us out!!
I know this was a lot of rambling and maybe it did not even make any sense. But I guess what I am trying to say is this. Even though being at this stage in my life is not my idea of fun. I am OK!! I also am trying to say that not being in the loop is much worse that it seems. So I am doing my part to expose this ELEPHANT in the room!
I know someday these things will happen in my life too! So until then I will be OK!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Why do you think I am sick???
So this may come as a shock to some of you out there so brace yourselves...It is Cold and Flu season! Please understand this does not need to send you into some kind of paranoia! But just to help you better understand what is going on in the world around you! I am looking out for you and my sanity all that the same time! Some people call this multi-tasking. OK moving on to the point behind this post. Today while at work I was more or less put in my place. Why? Well because I have have a cold. And I had the audacity to come to work. Mind you I was doing everything in my power to keep my germs to myself. You know washing my hands, covering my sniffles and sneezes things of that nature! But I guess I was still in the wrong. So in my defence I wanted to give my 2 cents worth on how we can all get along better! After all I am sure being surrounded by sickness all of the time, has absolutely nothing to do with why I am now slightly under the weather.
First of all cover your mouth. This is such a simple thing to do. Even little children can handle this action. It is all in the elbow folks, one slight bend and TA DA mouth covered! When you feel a cough coming on for the sake of man kind please do this. I am sure you can find a website that will show you exactly how many particles are expelled from you with each cough and sneeze. I have no desire to do watch something so disgusting. I will simply take their word for it. But I do know it is a lot of HUD that comes out and I don't want to breath it in! I am all about recycling...But I have my limits! I have no desire to take you particles for a test run!
Please refrain form touching everything you see. This is extra important if my first suggestion is something you are still trying to master! I know it hard to not want to touch every pen in the jar. But it is not something you need to do. The less you touch the less you spread and also the less you pick up! Germs are funny little things, they are not picky when it comes to what they will attach themselves to! Hands, feet, door knobs, pens, desks, telephones, men, women, children...This list could go on and on. But frankly I have a life I need to live. When you make a point of touching everything you can you are only becoming a travel agent for those little guys! So keep things you touch to a minimum!
Masks are for your use and the consideration of those around you. Please know that I have worn my fair share of masks and they are lame-o! They are hot, they make your eyes water and are just plain a pain in the neck. Having said that we know you are not wearing them for a fashion statement. But rather you are sick enough that you have chosen on you own to wear one. Or you have been asked to do so! Well now that you are wearing one, please wear it correctly!!! And what is correctly? I am glad you asked...Covering your mouth and nose! The human body is made so we can breathe with our nose or mouth and both at the same time. So if you are covering only your mouth this is a good start. But that same air is still coming out to join the rest of us through your nose! Please pull that mask up! Again let me say I know they are not comfortable. However they help to keep those around you from recycling!
When those in the heath care field get sick and still come to work. It is often looked at like we are the Devil himself. How dare we be so thoughtless. I mean really it is not like we have been breathing in the contaminated air everyday of our lives. How dare we breath while at work! It is not that we in fact thoughtless. But rather more like victims. We are taking care of the ill and there is no way around it. Recycling is just part of our job. It may have been in the small print that we were not aware of at the time when we signed up for these jobs! Nevertheless we are human too and just like everyone else we also get sick! I am really sorry for this fact. But there is nothing that can be done about it. Or is there???? Perhaps if people would keep these precautions in mind we could all get along better!
Ok I really do love my job! But sometimes a girl needs to get it all out!
First of all cover your mouth. This is such a simple thing to do. Even little children can handle this action. It is all in the elbow folks, one slight bend and TA DA mouth covered! When you feel a cough coming on for the sake of man kind please do this. I am sure you can find a website that will show you exactly how many particles are expelled from you with each cough and sneeze. I have no desire to do watch something so disgusting. I will simply take their word for it. But I do know it is a lot of HUD that comes out and I don't want to breath it in! I am all about recycling...But I have my limits! I have no desire to take you particles for a test run!
Please refrain form touching everything you see. This is extra important if my first suggestion is something you are still trying to master! I know it hard to not want to touch every pen in the jar. But it is not something you need to do. The less you touch the less you spread and also the less you pick up! Germs are funny little things, they are not picky when it comes to what they will attach themselves to! Hands, feet, door knobs, pens, desks, telephones, men, women, children...This list could go on and on. But frankly I have a life I need to live. When you make a point of touching everything you can you are only becoming a travel agent for those little guys! So keep things you touch to a minimum!
Masks are for your use and the consideration of those around you. Please know that I have worn my fair share of masks and they are lame-o! They are hot, they make your eyes water and are just plain a pain in the neck. Having said that we know you are not wearing them for a fashion statement. But rather you are sick enough that you have chosen on you own to wear one. Or you have been asked to do so! Well now that you are wearing one, please wear it correctly!!! And what is correctly? I am glad you asked...Covering your mouth and nose! The human body is made so we can breathe with our nose or mouth and both at the same time. So if you are covering only your mouth this is a good start. But that same air is still coming out to join the rest of us through your nose! Please pull that mask up! Again let me say I know they are not comfortable. However they help to keep those around you from recycling!
When those in the heath care field get sick and still come to work. It is often looked at like we are the Devil himself. How dare we be so thoughtless. I mean really it is not like we have been breathing in the contaminated air everyday of our lives. How dare we breath while at work! It is not that we in fact thoughtless. But rather more like victims. We are taking care of the ill and there is no way around it. Recycling is just part of our job. It may have been in the small print that we were not aware of at the time when we signed up for these jobs! Nevertheless we are human too and just like everyone else we also get sick! I am really sorry for this fact. But there is nothing that can be done about it. Or is there???? Perhaps if people would keep these precautions in mind we could all get along better!
Ok I really do love my job! But sometimes a girl needs to get it all out!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
This is me SCREAMING...
Sometimes I really hate my job! I will never understand somethings about what I do for a living! And what I continue to put up with day after day!!! I think if I write it down it may help! Probably not but it is worth a shot...
1) I have the worlds lamest boss. I have no idea what the man does all day long. Other than annoy the heck out of me. He is always walking around looking like he is important. Well here is an idea. DO something to make you important!! He always like to run everything by me. Why? I have no idea. I could not care less that he has decided to change our Coban. Or that he is trying to get us child size masks. And I can see for myself that he got the sign moved. He does not need to tell me in a 15 minute conversation. It is now directly over my head. I will start praying that ceiling gives out and I happen to be under it. Then he can have something to really talk to me about! Please do us all a favor and find a computer to hide behind!!!
2) I take the brunt of the anger from the patients. When I do not have orders from your Dr office it does no good to get mad at me! I simply have the folder for them to place said order in. I understand that they told you they would bring send it to the lab. I don't know how to tell you gently, but they LIED!!! I believe they had every intention of getting it to us. But for what ever reason that did not happen! It is not in my control. SO treating me like dirt is not going to do anything for you! However it will help me to practice self control and not "Miss" you vein when it comes time to draw you blood. And for that I am thankful, seeing that self control is an important attribute.
3) I have to say the same thing to adults over and over. I am not talking about my elderly patients who are hard of hearing. I have no problem raising my voice to allow them to hear me! I am talking about middle age, hearing adults. We are not talking about rocket science material here folks. I am simply asking you to follow simple instructions. "The restroom is the second door on your left. Place the sample in the pink bucket on the counter when you are done. then you are free to go." Sound's pretty easy right? (Given that you are in a state to actually produce a sample.) Well I can tell you first hand that this statement will blow your mind when put to the test! Everyday I have multiple people walk the sample right past the pink bucket, through the waiting room and to my desk. "Here is the sample, where do I put it?" Really, you think I am making this up. I am not, I would not joke about something like this. We are talking urine in the waiting room! I don't get it at all. Life must be really hard for these people. This is stuff Launa's 5th graders could master!!! Why then do we have such a problem?
Well I guess that is enough freaking out for now! I need to save some of my issues for a later date! And I think I might feel a little better! But only a little.
Oh wait one last thing. Can anybody tell me why it is so hard to place the pen back in the pen holder? All day long people wave them in my face and hand them back to me. Excuse me but I do not remember handing it to you in the first place. So what makes you think I want it back! See that big pen holder that you got it out of? Here is an idea...Put it back in there!
1) I have the worlds lamest boss. I have no idea what the man does all day long. Other than annoy the heck out of me. He is always walking around looking like he is important. Well here is an idea. DO something to make you important!! He always like to run everything by me. Why? I have no idea. I could not care less that he has decided to change our Coban. Or that he is trying to get us child size masks. And I can see for myself that he got the sign moved. He does not need to tell me in a 15 minute conversation. It is now directly over my head. I will start praying that ceiling gives out and I happen to be under it. Then he can have something to really talk to me about! Please do us all a favor and find a computer to hide behind!!!
2) I take the brunt of the anger from the patients. When I do not have orders from your Dr office it does no good to get mad at me! I simply have the folder for them to place said order in. I understand that they told you they would bring send it to the lab. I don't know how to tell you gently, but they LIED!!! I believe they had every intention of getting it to us. But for what ever reason that did not happen! It is not in my control. SO treating me like dirt is not going to do anything for you! However it will help me to practice self control and not "Miss" you vein when it comes time to draw you blood. And for that I am thankful, seeing that self control is an important attribute.
3) I have to say the same thing to adults over and over. I am not talking about my elderly patients who are hard of hearing. I have no problem raising my voice to allow them to hear me! I am talking about middle age, hearing adults. We are not talking about rocket science material here folks. I am simply asking you to follow simple instructions. "The restroom is the second door on your left. Place the sample in the pink bucket on the counter when you are done. then you are free to go." Sound's pretty easy right? (Given that you are in a state to actually produce a sample.) Well I can tell you first hand that this statement will blow your mind when put to the test! Everyday I have multiple people walk the sample right past the pink bucket, through the waiting room and to my desk. "Here is the sample, where do I put it?" Really, you think I am making this up. I am not, I would not joke about something like this. We are talking urine in the waiting room! I don't get it at all. Life must be really hard for these people. This is stuff Launa's 5th graders could master!!! Why then do we have such a problem?
Well I guess that is enough freaking out for now! I need to save some of my issues for a later date! And I think I might feel a little better! But only a little.
Oh wait one last thing. Can anybody tell me why it is so hard to place the pen back in the pen holder? All day long people wave them in my face and hand them back to me. Excuse me but I do not remember handing it to you in the first place. So what makes you think I want it back! See that big pen holder that you got it out of? Here is an idea...Put it back in there!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So here I am at 2:00 in the morning thinking I really should go to bed. But need to write about my evening while it is still fresh.
Last weekend there was a terrible accident involving the American Fork Marching Band. While coming home from a competition, a bus carrying many students and a teacher crashed. The teacher was Heather Christensen, a woman I have never met. But I look up to her in so many ways. She was on the bus that night because she felt she needed to be. She is a HERO! She stepped in where she was needed and in the process lost her own life. She loved those kids on that bus and did all within her power to keep them safe. She had a passion and followed it! She loved music and her students and left this life having just come from a competition where her kids had swept every caption! Taking home the first place trophy and starting the season off on the right foot! She was loved by her students and they knew she loved them. I think it is so amazing the lives this woman impacted. And will continue to impact as the story of her bravery is still being told.
Tonight was the first Competition since the accident. I was able to go down to BYU tonight and watch. There was somewhat of a somber mood draped over the stadium. I guess that is to be expected. I went to cheer on our Local bands, Sky View, and Mountain Crest. But there was a part of me that wanted to be there to see the American Fork students rise above the tragedy and make their teacher and friend proud.
Going in I had no idea the amount of support that was filling that stadium. There were so many red ribbons pined to shoulders. Coupled with enough red to make you question if the 4th of July was just around the corner.
We were seated next to a very large group of the AF student body. There were kids there from every walk of life. There were your jocks, cheerleaders, leadership, and just your average Joe. I dare say most had NO IDEA what was going on. But they were there to show support. They cheered for EVERY band that played. When AF was ready to take the field this group of kids started to sing the school song. They cheered their little hearts out during the show! They often waited until the rest of the crowd was cheering and would then join in! As if it was their cue that something awesome had just happened! So maybe they had no idea what was going on. Who cares, they were there to show support to their friends during this hard time. Marching Band has somewhat of a bad wrap. Being the weird band geek is not a cool thing outside the band room. I just loved how none of that mattered tonight. They were simply being respected and SUPPORTED by the rest of the school! After the band was done and most of the tears were dried. The band left the field to the sweet sound of their fellow classmates singing "Be Still My Soul." Talk about chills and many more tears fell.
I was reminded tonight that there are so many good kids out there! They will stand up and be there for each other even when they may not see eye to eye, or even like the same things!
Life is good. I hope to keep the reminder I was given tonight with me for a really long time. Life is to short to not help those around us!
Last weekend there was a terrible accident involving the American Fork Marching Band. While coming home from a competition, a bus carrying many students and a teacher crashed. The teacher was Heather Christensen, a woman I have never met. But I look up to her in so many ways. She was on the bus that night because she felt she needed to be. She is a HERO! She stepped in where she was needed and in the process lost her own life. She loved those kids on that bus and did all within her power to keep them safe. She had a passion and followed it! She loved music and her students and left this life having just come from a competition where her kids had swept every caption! Taking home the first place trophy and starting the season off on the right foot! She was loved by her students and they knew she loved them. I think it is so amazing the lives this woman impacted. And will continue to impact as the story of her bravery is still being told.
Tonight was the first Competition since the accident. I was able to go down to BYU tonight and watch. There was somewhat of a somber mood draped over the stadium. I guess that is to be expected. I went to cheer on our Local bands, Sky View, and Mountain Crest. But there was a part of me that wanted to be there to see the American Fork students rise above the tragedy and make their teacher and friend proud.
Going in I had no idea the amount of support that was filling that stadium. There were so many red ribbons pined to shoulders. Coupled with enough red to make you question if the 4th of July was just around the corner.
We were seated next to a very large group of the AF student body. There were kids there from every walk of life. There were your jocks, cheerleaders, leadership, and just your average Joe. I dare say most had NO IDEA what was going on. But they were there to show support. They cheered for EVERY band that played. When AF was ready to take the field this group of kids started to sing the school song. They cheered their little hearts out during the show! They often waited until the rest of the crowd was cheering and would then join in! As if it was their cue that something awesome had just happened! So maybe they had no idea what was going on. Who cares, they were there to show support to their friends during this hard time. Marching Band has somewhat of a bad wrap. Being the weird band geek is not a cool thing outside the band room. I just loved how none of that mattered tonight. They were simply being respected and SUPPORTED by the rest of the school! After the band was done and most of the tears were dried. The band left the field to the sweet sound of their fellow classmates singing "Be Still My Soul." Talk about chills and many more tears fell.
I was reminded tonight that there are so many good kids out there! They will stand up and be there for each other even when they may not see eye to eye, or even like the same things!
Life is good. I hope to keep the reminder I was given tonight with me for a really long time. Life is to short to not help those around us!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I am still out here!
So I have not been good at this at all! I am pretty sure I am the worlds worst blogger! And seeing as this whole blogging thing is pretty new to most of the world. I feel quite honored to have this self proclaimed title!
Well I am not sure I really have much to report. Please don't bring up the fact that I have not written since July and still have nothing to report. I am fully aware of how my life is going!
Oh wait something big did happen! Drum roll please...... I bought my dream car! I am the proud owner of a Jeep Grand Cherokee Lorado. This totally rocks my world. I love the way it drives, I love the big tires, I love that all the lights are in working order! Given my past this is a huge blessing! I do don't think I will be headed to the slammer because of a burnt out light again! I have been wanting a Jeep for something like 5 years now. That is a really long time to want something with all your heart!
I guess that is all I got for now! But I feel like this blogging thing and I are old friends that have just met back up after a long time apart. So now I feel like I can drop in again really soon and that awkward feeling is gone!
Look for me soon
Well I am not sure I really have much to report. Please don't bring up the fact that I have not written since July and still have nothing to report. I am fully aware of how my life is going!
Oh wait something big did happen! Drum roll please...... I bought my dream car! I am the proud owner of a Jeep Grand Cherokee Lorado. This totally rocks my world. I love the way it drives, I love the big tires, I love that all the lights are in working order! Given my past this is a huge blessing! I do don't think I will be headed to the slammer because of a burnt out light again! I have been wanting a Jeep for something like 5 years now. That is a really long time to want something with all your heart!
I guess that is all I got for now! But I feel like this blogging thing and I are old friends that have just met back up after a long time apart. So now I feel like I can drop in again really soon and that awkward feeling is gone!
Look for me soon
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The 4th of July and such!
I guess this is better late than never?!?!?
We are not the type of family that EVER lets a tradition go by the way side! We do the same thing year after year. And for the most part it only gets better. We always have a big shi-bang for the Black Friday shopping. Complete with breakfast thought about only after we have hit all the sales and picked through the socks! We usually get to that point in the day when we are to tired to even eat! At Thanksgiving dinner we have a bowl of olives the same size as our mashed potatoes. We have Corned Beef and Cabbage, and with any luck kiss the Blarney stone every St. Patrick's day. But one holiday tradition that we do every year and have since we moved to this valley FOREVER ago.
Would be the 4th of July Fireworks at the stadium! I have wondered why we have to go inside still? The ground show when we were younger was awesome. There was always lots of dance groups, bands, sky divers and such. But over the last 5 years that has become a thing of the past. The entertainment was not much to speak of! There is always a small presentation just before the fireworks start that is usually really good. But that would be about it...Until this year! We had had a military fly over, great vocal performances and the ROTC (I am pretty sure that is who they were) did a drill performance for us! But I have to say the reason I love going inside and this is probably the spot in the evening when the theme songs from all the branches of the military are played. The brave men and women who have and are fighting to keep this country free are asked to stand. It is so amazing to see those many, many people who gave so much for us. And you can not help but think of the others who gave EVERYTHING including their lives for us. This country is certainly not without fault. But in my small opinion the good out weighs the bad! "I am proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free!
We always have such a great time! I love my family so much and all our crazy traditions! I know that there is always going to be room for me and any stragglers I find, on the big white "A" inside the stadium every July 3rd!
We are not the type of family that EVER lets a tradition go by the way side! We do the same thing year after year. And for the most part it only gets better. We always have a big shi-bang for the Black Friday shopping. Complete with breakfast thought about only after we have hit all the sales and picked through the socks! We usually get to that point in the day when we are to tired to even eat! At Thanksgiving dinner we have a bowl of olives the same size as our mashed potatoes. We have Corned Beef and Cabbage, and with any luck kiss the Blarney stone every St. Patrick's day. But one holiday tradition that we do every year and have since we moved to this valley FOREVER ago.
Would be the 4th of July Fireworks at the stadium! I have wondered why we have to go inside still? The ground show when we were younger was awesome. There was always lots of dance groups, bands, sky divers and such. But over the last 5 years that has become a thing of the past. The entertainment was not much to speak of! There is always a small presentation just before the fireworks start that is usually really good. But that would be about it...Until this year! We had had a military fly over, great vocal performances and the ROTC (I am pretty sure that is who they were) did a drill performance for us! But I have to say the reason I love going inside and this is probably the spot in the evening when the theme songs from all the branches of the military are played. The brave men and women who have and are fighting to keep this country free are asked to stand. It is so amazing to see those many, many people who gave so much for us. And you can not help but think of the others who gave EVERYTHING including their lives for us. This country is certainly not without fault. But in my small opinion the good out weighs the bad! "I am proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free!
We always have such a great time! I love my family so much and all our crazy traditions! I know that there is always going to be room for me and any stragglers I find, on the big white "A" inside the stadium every July 3rd!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Kids and the things they come up with!
I have decided as of late that there is a reason I do not have kids! (Well besides the obvious reason of not having found their dad yet. And believe me he will get a stern talking to when I do find him!) But I have found that kids are a lot of work! They are always needing something and NOW! There is often some sort of fluid oozing or dripping out of those little people. And they never seen to find and end to their energy!

I get to spend a lot of time with my niece and nephew! I happen to love those 2 kids so it really work out. We have a great time together and I am sure to always get a hearty laugh under my belt before I turn them back over to their parents! They come up with the greatest things to play. AND the things they say are worthy of the little space at the bottom of the Reader Digest pages. You know the funny little space fillers. Right? (Maybe I am just around to many old people and old people magazines) Well I wanted to share a couple of things that have come out of their little heads!
This is just a little background. They are obsessed with Disney's Peter Pan. They are always flying around the house with their arms in chicken position and crowing just like Peter!
Well Brycen was standing in my kitchen and all of the sudden he was staring off into space. I asked him what was going on and he said "It's Captain Hook" I asked him where and I he said "Right there" pointing to the place only he could see! I asked him what he was going to do about it. He said "I am gonna get him!" He the dropped to his hands and knees and starting making a "Tick Tock" noise with his tongue just like the crocodile in the movie! He attacked and walked away singing "Yo ho, Yo ho a pirates life for me" I just thought this was so cute that a little 2 year old came up with this!!
That same night Kaitlyn came running at top speed from my room. She said "Everybody has to hide! The Holy Ghost is coming!!!" After I got control of my laughter I tried to explain that we want the Holy Ghost with us. She responded with "But he is a ghost!" It is evident she is listening at church. But things are not clear in her 3 year old brain! These are hard concepts to get a handle on! But she is giving it her all!

I love them so much!!
I love them so much!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Camping in a sea of Cotton!
My little sister Ashlee is getting old! However I have stopped aging for a while I will be holding strong at 27 for many years! But as for her she is on her way to catch up to and pass me! She turned 22 this last weekend!! It seems like only yesterday Keven Todd and I had stuffed her into a diaper box and drove her around the house for hours. Or the time I told her she was adopted. Complete with a very detailed story of her birth family. I had her worked into quite a tizzy, which I have to admit I was proud of. But the best part came when she went downstairs to my dad and told him the entire story. He knew nothing about this but looked at me straight face and said "Aubrey you were not supposed to tell." Yeah we have had some good times, or at least I have! We are good friends... Most of the time. We are so different and that is part of why we can be friends! I know that we often butt heads and such but at the end of the day we still love each other!
Well in honor of her birthday we took a little camping trip! After some difficulty we found a camp site in Provo! Not a place I would have ever thought to go camping. The reactions we got from those we told were much like those MasterCard commercials...Priceless. But we loaded the car and took off. We got the campground and discovered why it was open. There was so much cotton floating in the air it looked like it was snowing in June. And mosquitoes in the flying around like little a tiny army ready to attack! We set up the tent as fast as we could to avoid contracting the West Nile Virus! And the amount of cotton we inhaled could have been enough to make a t-shirt!
We got everything from dinner put away just in time for the rain to start! Camping in the rain is something I have found I enjoy! I like to listen to the drops hit the tent while I stay nice and dry inside! We had to buy ultra powerful bug spray because we were getting eaten alive! Our neighbors in the next site came to ask what we were doing about the bugs! They had used an organic bug spray, the main ingredient was lemon juice! They were getting bug bites like crazy! Really?? We sprayed them down and sent them on their way! Sometimes killing or upsetting the bug is a much better option!
On Friday we decided to take a tubing trip down the Provo River! It seemed harmless enough, the water is only knee to waist deep and we had life jackets. We set out on our trip all was going well! That is until I was attacked by a tree branch and knocked off my tube. I went face first into the Giardia ridden River! Not being able to gain any footing I was dragged down the river by my tube for a bit! I will not lie I was a little nervous that I would be taking the rest of the trip this way. But I was able to get back onto my tube just in time to join the rest of the girls in our version of "Just around the river bend" Some time had passed and I went to brush a bug off my leg only to find a rather large lump. It was bright blue and HUGE it looked like an egg had been shoved up under my skin! I never felt whatever it was that had impaled my leg but what I was seeing told me something had. I could move my foot so I figured nothing was broken. We finished our trip down the river and all came out alive. We had many scratches and such form being tossed into a tree or the river bank. But I had the winner of all on my shin. Through the night my leg began to swell and was becoming more and more painful. Well today my leg is still rather swollen and the bruise that is taking over my leg is really something to be proud of!
We had yet another great adventure and came out of the weekend with many laughs and awesome stories to tell!
Well in honor of her birthday we took a little camping trip! After some difficulty we found a camp site in Provo! Not a place I would have ever thought to go camping. The reactions we got from those we told were much like those MasterCard commercials...Priceless. But we loaded the car and took off. We got the campground and discovered why it was open. There was so much cotton floating in the air it looked like it was snowing in June. And mosquitoes in the flying around like little a tiny army ready to attack! We set up the tent as fast as we could to avoid contracting the West Nile Virus! And the amount of cotton we inhaled could have been enough to make a t-shirt!
We got everything from dinner put away just in time for the rain to start! Camping in the rain is something I have found I enjoy! I like to listen to the drops hit the tent while I stay nice and dry inside! We had to buy ultra powerful bug spray because we were getting eaten alive! Our neighbors in the next site came to ask what we were doing about the bugs! They had used an organic bug spray, the main ingredient was lemon juice! They were getting bug bites like crazy! Really?? We sprayed them down and sent them on their way! Sometimes killing or upsetting the bug is a much better option!
On Friday we decided to take a tubing trip down the Provo River! It seemed harmless enough, the water is only knee to waist deep and we had life jackets. We set out on our trip all was going well! That is until I was attacked by a tree branch and knocked off my tube. I went face first into the Giardia ridden River! Not being able to gain any footing I was dragged down the river by my tube for a bit! I will not lie I was a little nervous that I would be taking the rest of the trip this way. But I was able to get back onto my tube just in time to join the rest of the girls in our version of "Just around the river bend" Some time had passed and I went to brush a bug off my leg only to find a rather large lump. It was bright blue and HUGE it looked like an egg had been shoved up under my skin! I never felt whatever it was that had impaled my leg but what I was seeing told me something had. I could move my foot so I figured nothing was broken. We finished our trip down the river and all came out alive. We had many scratches and such form being tossed into a tree or the river bank. But I had the winner of all on my shin. Through the night my leg began to swell and was becoming more and more painful. Well today my leg is still rather swollen and the bruise that is taking over my leg is really something to be proud of!
We had yet another great adventure and came out of the weekend with many laughs and awesome stories to tell!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Am I speaking English??
Working with the public is always good for a laugh! I have been in awe lately because of the people I encounter everyday! I have to ask many questions, multiple times a day. I am pretty sure the words coming out of my mouth are in English. I am certain I have not come up with a new language spoken only by the Aubrey's of the world. I thought the responses I get through the day are much too mind boggling to keep to myself! Here are a few of my questions and the responces I get.
Aubrey: "Have you been fasting 12 hours, nothing but water?
Patient: "Yep I have not had anything but cereal and diet coke for breakfast"
Aubrey: "I have you living in Smithfield and show you have Medicare is that correct?"
Patient: "Yes" (I then give them a paper to sign saying I have their information correct.) "Oh I live in Logan now and I no longer have Medicare"
Aubrey: "The Dr. wants a Clean Cathe Urine sample. Here is the cup and the wipe the directions are on the wall. Do you have any questions?"
Patient: "Nope" (same patient returns a few minutes later and hands me the wipe.) "I am not sure if you know this but there is a sink in there so I did not use the wipe."
I could go on and on but I will let those little gems make my point for now! Every once in a while I have a moment where the Patient will ask me something and I have no Idea how to respond. And I simply do the best I can! Those conversations go a little something like this!
Patient: "I seem to have coughed up the carpet. Do you think it is possible I coughed up the carpet!!??"
Aubrey: (After I recovered form the initial shock from the question) "Well... Have you been eating the carpet?"
I love my job and all the crazy things I come across!
Aubrey: "Have you been fasting 12 hours, nothing but water?
Patient: "Yep I have not had anything but cereal and diet coke for breakfast"
Aubrey: "I have you living in Smithfield and show you have Medicare is that correct?"
Patient: "Yes" (I then give them a paper to sign saying I have their information correct.) "Oh I live in Logan now and I no longer have Medicare"
Aubrey: "The Dr. wants a Clean Cathe Urine sample. Here is the cup and the wipe the directions are on the wall. Do you have any questions?"
Patient: "Nope" (same patient returns a few minutes later and hands me the wipe.) "I am not sure if you know this but there is a sink in there so I did not use the wipe."
I could go on and on but I will let those little gems make my point for now! Every once in a while I have a moment where the Patient will ask me something and I have no Idea how to respond. And I simply do the best I can! Those conversations go a little something like this!
Patient: "I seem to have coughed up the carpet. Do you think it is possible I coughed up the carpet!!??"
Aubrey: (After I recovered form the initial shock from the question) "Well... Have you been eating the carpet?"
I love my job and all the crazy things I come across!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Just another day in the neighborhood
Today has been a strange day. I am feeling like there needs to be a change in my life and I am not sure how to make this happen. I was looking a jobs in Murray and St. George really just for fun! But I could not help but thinking it would be AMAZING to pick up and leave! But for now I will just be like Dory and "Just keep swimming!"
I will never get used to grown men and women who can not wait 3 min's to use the restroom! I would expect that my 3 year old niece would have a hard time. But adults really?? Today I had a woman tell me that she had to use the bathroom and NOW! She could not wait the 3 min's for me to order her tests and have her sign the paper work. NO, that was out of the question! Well what can you say to that other than OK? I took this woman to the restroom all the while wondering if she would make that short walk! My job can be so entertaining a times! I often find myself wondering how some people make it to adulthood in one piece!!
Heather and I found a dog on the highway in Smithfield tonight! She was really friendly and jumped right into my car. Great now what?? We called the police (Don't worry I did not call 911 this was not an Emergency!) to see if animal control could come get her. But naturally they are not out that late at night. The officer told us the best thing to do is take her back where we found her. That was not a safe place for a dog to be running around in the dark. So I called my brother and she is sleeping (I hope) in their backyard for the night! I looked at this dog in my backseat and wondered why I always seem to get myself into these type of situations!? Just part of my charm I guess!
If you happen to know this little lady or her family please let me know!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Time fly's when you are having FUN!
WOW! My goal of being really good at keeping up on this is not working out to well! I just let time get away from me saying "I can do that tomorrow!" Well I have run out of tomorrows. Not that I am dying or anything. Just that I have decided to do me some Blogging today!! (sorry this is kinda long! Hit the older posts to make sure you get the full update! I know you are very curious!) Hold on tight I am about to take you through the last month or so of my life..
Well you have made it this far keep reading!! I am almost done I promise!
As an apartment we have decided to do a little Sugar Detox!!! We are not eating candy, cookies, ice cream, CHOCOLATE, really anything that is good for the SUMMER! When we tell people this the common response is "WHY?!" and we reply "We are not sure! It is a good idea and will help us to be healthier!" So wish us luck and enjoy all those summer treats for us!! So far so good!
I have become the proud owner of a Bedroom set! I got it from my cousin. After a short trip to Provo, Loading the heavy beast, Having a nice man almost break the trailer and getting back to Logan safely it is mine! It is nice, but I did not like the color of the wood so I have decided to take on the project of painting it BLACK!! I think black furniture is so classy looking and I am a very classy person in case you were wondering! It has been a lot of work so far. nd I only have 2 pieces of the set complete. I have to sand and paint each one. Heather has been helping me from the start! We take each piece out to my VERY deck and sand away! I have decided through this little quest that I really like working with power tools! There is a great feeling of power and control when you plug those tools in!
Here are some sample's of our hard work
I have finished to tall dresser and LOVE it! I have seriously considered selling or pushing the long dresser off the deck! But the head and foot boards are looking great! I will post the finished project when it is DONE!
We took Katie to her very first Rodeo. We all wore cowgirl hats and everything. We felt pretty awesome! I was so sad the rodeo was nothing to write home about. Not a great first impression of the sport! I have promised to take her again to a good one! And with any luck we will not have the same announcer! "Well that is sure not what he hoped for. And all he is gonna get is what you give him!" We heard this over and over.
Here we are in our "Rodeo Get Up!"
The Crowns just added to the experience!
We took a Mom and Daughter weekend to go see a concert in Wendover! Let me just say this "There is nothing in Wendover!" We saw Collin Raye it was so great and brought back lots of memories of listening to his music growing up! I have a great family we always have fun! It does not take much to keep us entertained!
Heather and I on the ride out there!
We told My mom to ask for a donut with
"Frosting all over it and Sprinkles. BUT not
"Frosting all over it and Sprinkles. BUT not
All over it! Just on part of it!"
This is what we found when we opened the box!

Brian Regan is my Hero! He makes the simplest
This is what we found when we opened the box!
Brian Regan is my Hero! He makes the simplest
things so great!
Us in the car after Ashlee decided
All of us at the concert!
The Moms with the Drummer!

It is just like old times!! We used to fit much
better in the same bed when we were about 6!

As I mentioned there is not much to look at
It is just like old times!! We used to fit much
better in the same bed when we were about 6!
As I mentioned there is not much to look at
on this drive. And with the mom's in charge of
the music selection on the way home. We had to do
the music selection on the way home. We had to do
something for entertainment!

Stephannie and Alan got Married this May! So this called for lots of "Family Time!" Sometimes I think My family is taking the Church commercials "family isn't it about time" a little to far! We are always doing somethings together! Not that it is bad because I LOVE my family. But sometimes I find myself thinking "We never need to plan a Family Reunion because we just did that last weekend!" The wedding was great! They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple, We had a brunch at Alan's Grandparents house. During the break in between the brunch and the reception we went to Chuck Cheese! It was great to play arcade games at the "Place where a kid can be a Kid!" The reception was wonderful! They had the most amazing punch I have ever had in my life! Ashlee caught the bouquet and there were lots of pictures snapped all around us!
Stephannie and Alan got Married this May! So this called for lots of "Family Time!" Sometimes I think My family is taking the Church commercials "family isn't it about time" a little to far! We are always doing somethings together! Not that it is bad because I LOVE my family. But sometimes I find myself thinking "We never need to plan a Family Reunion because we just did that last weekend!" The wedding was great! They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple, We had a brunch at Alan's Grandparents house. During the break in between the brunch and the reception we went to Chuck Cheese! It was great to play arcade games at the "Place where a kid can be a Kid!" The reception was wonderful! They had the most amazing punch I have ever had in my life! Ashlee caught the bouquet and there were lots of pictures snapped all around us!
Stephannie wearing the most AMAZING Curlers in
the world!
an old married lady. We were about to go to bed
The car! Not sure if Hershey syrup is good for
the paint! Glad I had nothing to do with this!
Well you have made it this far keep reading!! I am almost done I promise!
As an apartment we have decided to do a little Sugar Detox!!! We are not eating candy, cookies, ice cream, CHOCOLATE, really anything that is good for the SUMMER! When we tell people this the common response is "WHY?!" and we reply "We are not sure! It is a good idea and will help us to be healthier!" So wish us luck and enjoy all those summer treats for us!! So far so good!
I had planned to meet up with a friend and go to Salt Lake this past weekend! But Jem had some stuff come up and bailed on our little trip! But we decided to go anyway! Launa, Heather and I hit the road on Friday night and headed for Salt lake! We picked up Katie, then we were on our way to do whatever we wanted!
We decided to go get Kina and go to dinner! I just love that girl!!! We went to Buca di Beppo. We sat in the Kitchen at a table the have in there! Our waiter was a little on the Bipolar side! He was so serious at the start of the evening. Then the next minute he was cracking jokes and we were all having a great time! Launa found out that sucking on your straw when your water is gone will get the attention of the waiter! Whether that is what you were trying to do or not! I found out that anything can be used as a pick up line! And Heather has a face that he has see somewhere before! When we asked for the check to be split things went south pretty quick! Heather told him he forgot to charge her for her drink and asked if he wanted to fix it. He said "NO I just want to be done with this!!" He was so up and down that he must have forgotten his meds that morning!
A group picture might have sent him over the edge!
We went to the hotel. We had stayed in the exact room the last time we went on a little adventure! I think we should have gotten a Frequent Sleeper Discount or something!
The nest day we decided to do to Park City and do a little shopping at the outlets! But I think we had way more fun looking at the old part of town! We picked up a couple fliers on some houses that are for sale! I still have them if you are interested! They are very affordable the most expensive was on 2,400,000 and the cheapest we found is only 1,3500,000. I think I will set up a time to see one these!
much! It is so cute and I bet the price is only a little higher
After Park City we met Jon for lunch! He lives near the most colorful houses in Utah I have decided. There is a little strip of houses that look like a bunch a Chicklets! Launa wanted to walk down the sidewalk but I decided the locals might not be the most friendly people in Salt Lake. We had such a great time at luunch which we usually do! We had many laughs and took a trip down memory lane! I just love catching up with old pals! He even did us a favor and eat our Chocolate covered Strawberries for us! See as we can't eat then anymore. What a friend to take that hardship upon himself for our sake!! When we driving back to his house we noticed that road had exploded! There was standing water everywhere!! I was driving Franklin (Launa's car) and the water was so deep I was a little nervous! There were probably 6 different places that water was just rushing out of the road! We dropped him off and he did not even have to swim to his door! But if he lived one black south it may have been a different story!
Why would anyone do this to their house?
Do you suppose the entire street was drunk
Do you suppose the entire street was drunk
one night and thought it was a good idea?

The water all over the road!

Just bubbling up!

More water! Look at the tires on the cop car!
The water all over the road!
Just bubbling up!
More water! Look at the tires on the cop car!
Well friends you made it! I have given you the update on my life! I promise the next post will not be so long! I will post again soon!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Time will tell...
Working in the medical field you get to see and do lots of great stuff. Like for starters I get to put needles in people everyday. Bringing up words like urine, stool and sputum in everyday conversation is totally normal. And never knowing what you are exposed to is just another perk! Today I was coughed on! I really hope it is not the Swine Flu he had lurking in those lungs. But I guess if I get sick in the next 3-10 days we will know. We have had a great laugh about it all day. It was pretty much an all around good day.
I will keep you posted on the happenings in my lungs!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
25 words...
Today in Relief Society we were learning about finding the joy in the journey. President Monson gave a great talk in the October Conference if you have not read it you should. It will rock your world. The sweet sister who gave the lesson talked about a man who was a prisoner and was given the chance to write to his family but he could only use 25 words. I have decided to see if I can do this! I will be honest I have thought all day about what this might say and it has been harder than I thought. 25 words is not a lot of time to tell all your family and friends what they mean to you. So here goes:
Those I love,
You have left your mark on my life. Please remember only good memories. I will never forget you!
I Love you,
I hope I never have to express all of my heart in only 25 words. There is far to much to say! I love you all!
Those I love,
You have left your mark on my life. Please remember only good memories. I will never forget you!
I Love you,
I hope I never have to express all of my heart in only 25 words. There is far to much to say! I love you all!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I HATE money!
So I am just wondering if money is a big pain in the rear for everyone or just for me!? I hate money so much. I just want to get a check in the mail every two weeks for more than I need. That way I can work on my savings and all! Is this to much to ask? I really think it is a great plan! I will keep working so I can keep contributing to society! But it has been proven as of late that the money made there is just not cutting it! As a result I could really go for that extra check I was talking about! But lets be honest that is not going to happen anytime soon so I will just have to do like so many others out there! And keep plugging along!
On a happy note I am leaving for Disneyland in a week! I am so excited we will have so much fun! I just hope to not let money concerns creep into great time I have planned!!!
On a happy note I am leaving for Disneyland in a week! I am so excited we will have so much fun! I just hope to not let money concerns creep into great time I have planned!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I am going to be good at this!
So I decided to grab a drum and get on the badwagon! Everyone has a blog these days and I don;t want to be left in the dust. I am not sure that my life is great enough that people will want to be "Followers". But it will be a good way for me to get some thoughts down on paper or atleast on screen! I hope this is some sort of entertainment for you. But if nothing else it can be used for some mind numbing reading right before trying to fall asleep! I know that is some is not all that entertaining it puts me to sleep!
A little bit about me: I live in Logan with 2 of my very best friends! Katie and Launa we have some really good times. We don't really do things that are that outstanding but we sure have fun! Most nights are spent sitting in the living room laughing and watching a Chick Flick or Gilmore Girls. Because we are that cool! I have an amazing a crazy family. We are all really close something like a cult. But I would not have it anyother way. My cousins are some of my best friends because of this. I have awesome siblings, a great sister in-law and what I think are the worlds cutest niece and nephew! I work at Logan Regional Hospital in the Lab. I get paid to stick needles in people and draw their blood out! I get to see really neat things and learn so much. Today I was sprayed by blood just one of the many perks! But really it has been so good for me I have learned a lot about myself through this job. I really really like it, sounds crazy I know. I guess the old saying is true "Different strokes for different folk's" I hope to finish my education and get a real job. Well really I want a carrer. Someday when I am all grown up I want to be an RN. I will make it I just have to keep on keepin' on and get through it!
Well I guess that is about it for now!
A little bit about me: I live in Logan with 2 of my very best friends! Katie and Launa we have some really good times. We don't really do things that are that outstanding but we sure have fun! Most nights are spent sitting in the living room laughing and watching a Chick Flick or Gilmore Girls. Because we are that cool! I have an amazing a crazy family. We are all really close something like a cult. But I would not have it anyother way. My cousins are some of my best friends because of this. I have awesome siblings, a great sister in-law and what I think are the worlds cutest niece and nephew! I work at Logan Regional Hospital in the Lab. I get paid to stick needles in people and draw their blood out! I get to see really neat things and learn so much. Today I was sprayed by blood just one of the many perks! But really it has been so good for me I have learned a lot about myself through this job. I really really like it, sounds crazy I know. I guess the old saying is true "Different strokes for different folk's" I hope to finish my education and get a real job. Well really I want a carrer. Someday when I am all grown up I want to be an RN. I will make it I just have to keep on keepin' on and get through it!
Well I guess that is about it for now!
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