Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Camping in a sea of Cotton!

My little sister Ashlee is getting old! However I have stopped aging for a while I will be holding strong at 27 for many years! But as for her she is on her way to catch up to and pass me! She turned 22 this last weekend!! It seems like only yesterday Keven Todd and I had stuffed her into a diaper box and drove her around the house for hours. Or the time I told her she was adopted. Complete with a very detailed story of her birth family. I had her worked into quite a tizzy, which I have to admit I was proud of. But the best part came when she went downstairs to my dad and told him the entire story. He knew nothing about this but looked at me straight face and said "Aubrey you were not supposed to tell." Yeah we have had some good times, or at least I have! We are good friends... Most of the time. We are so different and that is part of why we can be friends! I know that we often butt heads and such but at the end of the day we still love each other!

Well in honor of her birthday we took a little camping trip! After some difficulty we found a camp site in Provo! Not a place I would have ever thought to go camping. The reactions we got from those we told were much like those MasterCard commercials...Priceless. But we loaded the car and took off. We got the campground and discovered why it was open. There was so much cotton floating in the air it looked like it was snowing in June. And mosquitoes in the flying around like little a tiny army ready to attack! We set up the tent as fast as we could to avoid contracting the West Nile Virus! And the amount of cotton we inhaled could have been enough to make a t-shirt!

We got everything from dinner put away just in time for the rain to start! Camping in the rain is something I have found I enjoy! I like to listen to the drops hit the tent while I stay nice and dry inside! We had to buy ultra powerful bug spray because we were getting eaten alive! Our neighbors in the next site came to ask what we were doing about the bugs! They had used an organic bug spray, the main ingredient was lemon juice! They were getting bug bites like crazy! Really?? We sprayed them down and sent them on their way! Sometimes killing or upsetting the bug is a much better option!

On Friday we decided to take a tubing trip down the Provo River! It seemed harmless enough, the water is only knee to waist deep and we had life jackets. We set out on our trip all was going well! That is until I was attacked by a tree branch and knocked off my tube. I went face first into the Giardia ridden River! Not being able to gain any footing I was dragged down the river by my tube for a bit! I will not lie I was a little nervous that I would be taking the rest of the trip this way. But I was able to get back onto my tube just in time to join the rest of the girls in our version of "Just around the river bend" Some time had passed and I went to brush a bug off my leg only to find a rather large lump. It was bright blue and HUGE it looked like an egg had been shoved up under my skin! I never felt whatever it was that had impaled my leg but what I was seeing told me something had. I could move my foot so I figured nothing was broken. We finished our trip down the river and all came out alive. We had many scratches and such form being tossed into a tree or the river bank. But I had the winner of all on my shin. Through the night my leg began to swell and was becoming more and more painful. Well today my leg is still rather swollen and the bruise that is taking over my leg is really something to be proud of!

We had yet another great adventure and came out of the weekend with many laughs and awesome stories to tell!

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