So this may come as a shock to some of you out there so brace yourselves...It is Cold and Flu season! Please understand this does not need to send you into some kind of paranoia! But just to help you better understand what is going on in the world around you! I am looking out for you and my sanity all that the same time! Some people call this multi-tasking. OK moving on to the point behind this post. Today while at work I was more or less put in my place. Why? Well because I have have a cold. And I had the audacity to come to work. Mind you I was doing everything in my power to keep my germs to myself. You know washing my hands, covering my sniffles and sneezes things of that nature! But I guess I was still in the wrong. So in my defence I wanted to give my 2 cents worth on how we can all get along better! After all I am sure being surrounded by sickness all of the time, has absolutely nothing to do with why I am now slightly under the weather.
First of all cover your mouth. This is such a simple thing to do. Even little children can handle this action. It is all in the elbow folks, one slight bend and TA DA mouth covered! When you feel a cough coming on for the sake of man kind please do this. I am sure you can find a website that will show you exactly how many particles are expelled from you with each cough and sneeze. I have no desire to do watch something so disgusting. I will simply take their word for it. But I do know it is a lot of HUD that comes out and I don't want to breath it in! I am all about recycling...But I have my limits! I have no desire to take you particles for a test run!
Please refrain form touching everything you see. This is extra important if my first suggestion is something you are still trying to master! I know it hard to not want to touch every pen in the jar. But it is not something you need to do. The less you touch the less you spread and also the less you pick up! Germs are funny little things, they are not picky when it comes to what they will attach themselves to! Hands, feet, door knobs, pens, desks, telephones, men, women, children...This list could go on and on. But frankly I have a life I need to live. When you make a point of touching everything you can you are only becoming a travel agent for those little guys! So keep things you touch to a minimum!
Masks are for your use and the consideration of those around you. Please know that I have worn my fair share of masks and they are lame-o! They are hot, they make your eyes water and are just plain a pain in the neck. Having said that we know you are not wearing them for a fashion statement. But rather you are sick enough that you have chosen on you own to wear one. Or you have been asked to do so! Well now that you are wearing one, please wear it correctly!!! And what is correctly? I am glad you asked...Covering your mouth and nose! The human body is made so we can breathe with our nose or mouth and both at the same time. So if you are covering only your mouth this is a good start. But that same air is still coming out to join the rest of us through your nose! Please pull that mask up! Again let me say I know they are not comfortable. However they help to keep those around you from recycling!
When those in the heath care field get sick and still come to work. It is often looked at like we are the Devil himself. How dare we be so thoughtless. I mean really it is not like we have been breathing in the contaminated air everyday of our lives. How dare we breath while at work! It is not that we in fact thoughtless. But rather more like victims. We are taking care of the ill and there is no way around it. Recycling is just part of our job. It may have been in the small print that we were not aware of at the time when we signed up for these jobs! Nevertheless we are human too and just like everyone else we also get sick! I am really sorry for this fact. But there is nothing that can be done about it. Or is there???? Perhaps if people would keep these precautions in mind we could all get along better!
Ok I really do love my job! But sometimes a girl needs to get it all out!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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