Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I am going to be good at this!

So I decided to grab a drum and get on the badwagon! Everyone has a blog these days and I don;t want to be left in the dust. I am not sure that my life is great enough that people will want to be "Followers". But it will be a good way for me to get some thoughts down on paper or atleast on screen! I hope this is some sort of entertainment for you. But if nothing else it can be used for some mind numbing reading right before trying to fall asleep! I know that is some is not all that entertaining it puts me to sleep!

A little bit about me: I live in Logan with 2 of my very best friends! Katie and Launa we have some really good times. We don't really do things that are that outstanding but we sure have fun! Most nights are spent sitting in the living room laughing and watching a Chick Flick or Gilmore Girls. Because we are that cool! I have an amazing a crazy family. We are all really close something like a cult. But I would not have it anyother way. My cousins are some of my best friends because of this. I have awesome siblings, a great sister in-law and what I think are the worlds cutest niece and nephew! I work at Logan Regional Hospital in the Lab. I get paid to stick needles in people and draw their blood out! I get to see really neat things and learn so much. Today I was sprayed by blood just one of the many perks! But really it has been so good for me I have learned a lot about myself through this job. I really really like it, sounds crazy I know. I guess the old saying is true "Different strokes for different folk's" I hope to finish my education and get a real job. Well really I want a carrer. Someday when I am all grown up I want to be an RN. I will make it I just have to keep on keepin' on and get through it!

Well I guess that is about it for now!

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