Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I drink a lot of Bleach!

So I was watching Glee tonight!!! I love that show, the one liners are the reason I watch! On the episode today Sue Sylvester is being interviewed by Katie Couric for being the Worlds Biggest Loser. She was asked "How do you cope with that?" Sue's response was "I drink a lot of Bleach."

Well I can relate with Sue on this one! Not that I think I am the World Biggest Loser or anything! But I have had to find a way to cope. Do you ever feel like you life is not your own and that no matter what you do you are never on top. I have been feeling this for the last couple of weeks! And although I have not been drinking Bleach I have been drinking my fair share of Diet Coke and Diet DR. Pepper!

I think I just need to vent... For my own mental stability!!

PEOPLE DRIVE ME NUTS!!! I am so done with people AND all their issues! (Please imagine me screaming this at the top of my lungs for the best effect)

I am feeling better already! I think I will have drink on the Rocks and call it a day!!


  1. You are totally fantastic and make me happy! I loved your vent and hope that your drink on the rocks is wonderful!

  2. I loved that line too! We got a good laugh out of it! Right now I feel like drinking bleach too, so if I'm not one of those people you are completely sick of, come on over. I buy the big economy business sized bottles at Sam's Club!
