First of all you should know that I LOVE quotes and sayings! I love the funny ones, the inspirational ones, the kinds that make you think "I have so done that" and everything in between. I do however think they are places that adding a quote/saying can make the reader uncomfortable. (At this point I will give you the chance to hit that little back button and not read any further... This is about to get girly and fringing on the T.M.I side of things.)
I know that all females have a little visitor each moth. We all wish could get stranded elsewhere. If you are anything like me this is never the case. Sometimes this visitor even have the nerve to show up a day or two early. Or even worse, the visitor will show up a couple days late, just to add suspense to the impending doom. This is something we all deal with and have gotten used to over the years.(Warning: Here comes the T.M.I part... it is still not to late to abandon ship and stop reading.) The other day while taking care of said visitor, I happened to look at the wrapper of my tampon and noticed printed there all proudly were the words "Live your Dreams!" That is fine thing to say and even strive for. But who is their right mind wants to be told to "Live their dreams" while dealing with Menstruation?!? And what kind of sick person thought that printing words of encouragement on a Tampon wrapper was a good idea. Tampax Sport or otherwise?!?!
Upon further inspection of the rest in the box, you know just to make sure I did not find the only one with a message. Heck maybe I had won 1 million dollars or something!! No such luck for me, they all have words of encouragement on them. Here are a few of my favorites: "You can do it", "If at first you don't succeed, try again", "Believe in yourself", "You are in charge here", "Never give up" and my favorite "Victory!"
If you stop and think about it and given the nature of the product some of these are rather funny. Actually I guess some of these words of encouragement might have come in handy during trial and error period of tampon usage. But then again... Most girls are so upset but the idea to even take a second longer to look at the package than necessary!! Those were not good times and I do not think reading warm fuzzy messages would have it any less disturbing.
I am firm believer that this line of work should be left to the writers of fortune cookies! But until this happens, I invite you all to grab a box and see what your Tampon Fortune will be!!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Smiles - 4/17/12
Today was the first test in my Drug dosages and Calculations class! Have no fear this is not what made me smile. In fact it had quite the opposite effect! I have never been so afraid of numbers in my life. The more I worked with it the worse it got and I ended up just being done. Not that all the questions were answered, but done all the same.
So although this was not what made me smile today it did lead up to it. You see there are few things better after a bad test than a Diet Coke and laughter with your little sisters! I was laughing so hard tonight I had tears running down my face. I am not entirely sure is they were tears of joy or sorrow... But I will believe it was joy!!
I love my little sisters!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
30 things that made me smile!
Today is my Birthday and it seems appropriate to list 30 things that made me smile today!! I know that is a big number, but I am sure that I can come up with at least that many!!
1: Sleeping in!
2: Waking up to Happy Birthday messages!
3: Being asked to Breakfast by one of my best friends!
4: Flowers from a 3 year old!
5: Getting a Begrudging Birthday hug from a 2 year old!
6: Having Launa's class sing Happy Birthday to me!
7: Phone calls from people I love!
8: My text message alert letting me know that somebody else was thinking about me!
9: Cake!
10: Lunch with Janice and Jerilyn from work and not talking only about work!
11: Happy Birthday messages on FaceBook.
12: Remembering I share a Birthday with somebody else and sharing my flowers with her!
13: Shopping!
14: Spending no time studying for a test I had to take tonight and getting 92% anyway!
15: Spending time with my family!
16: The Sunshine!
17: Talking to my Brother over Skype!
18: Seeing my Grandma and getting a hug!
19: Having the "It is my Birthday attitude" and therefore doing what I wanted!
20: Ice cold Diet Coke!
21: My Mom!
22: My Dad!
23: Having the day off work!
24: Driving through Sardine Canyon and seeing signs of Spring!
25: Ice Cream
26: My mom and sisters wanting me to come by... even it was only for a minute!
27: Listening to my new Air Supply CD and having a private concert in my car!!
28: Finding out at the check stand my purchase was 50% off!
29: My roommates!!
30: A Birthday Party in Stars Hallow!!
It has been a great day! And even though 30 is hard and there have been a few tears. I know that it is going to be ok!! They always say "You are only as old as you feel!" If this is true I am 21 and holding!!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Made me Smile 4/15/12
Today is the start of my Made Me Smile Posts!!
Few things are more smile worthy that an impromptu "Road trip" with Launa! She got a new CD we wanted to listen to so we decided to make an afternoon of it. We grabbed whatever snacks we could find in the cupboards and hit the road. We listened to the CD and just chatted the hours away... We have tendency to do that!!
As we looked at the dashboard of my car with our "Road Trip" evidence laying there, Launa said "Oh I love us!!" I have to agree with her!!
I needed that.
We have all been in a Sacrament Meeting where the spirit is so strong it makes you cry. I was in a meeting like this today. I wish there was a way to bottle the feeling that was in the room and keep it for later use. I guess in a way that is what I am trying to do with this post. I want to be able to look back on this in the coming months and remember exactly what I felt today.
A sweet Sister Missionary recently return home and we were privileged to hear her speak today. She returned from Bolivia last week and brought many sweet souvenirs with her. Not the kind she packed in her suitcase and gave to family and friends upon her return. She shared with the congregation today the souvenirs she had neatly packed into her heart. Stories of faith, love and conversion were shared. She told of a women well into her 90's who found the joy of the Gospel. A sweet sister who found the love and forgiveness of her Savior and joined his fold. We were also told of a gentleman who found the support system he needed in his family, friends and most importantly his Savior.
I was touched by each story and my testimony was strengthened. She then shared a scripture that touched my heart: Luke 22: 42-43. In this scripture an angel is sent to the Savior to strengthen Him. She asked the question, What do you think the Angel would have said to him to give him the strength to continue with the Atonement? After a minute she said something to this effect of she thinks the angel said "Do it for...." She said she imagined the angel telling the Savior all of our names, giving Him the strength to do it for us.
I am not able to fully understand the Atonement and all that my Savior went through for me. However, thinking of it in this way made it so personal to me. I had tears running down my face and I was filled with love for my Savior. He did it for me because he loves me!!
Another moment at church today that got thinking was during Relief Society. The lesson was on exaltation, which was bound to be a great lesson all on it own. At one point we were discussing the fact the we lived as spirits before we came to this earth. This made me reflect on my Patriarchal Blessing and the insight I have there into my spirit and the things I did in the Pre-existence. I love my blessing so much. This was a good time for me to think about the person I am in contrast to the person I can be. I have some work to do in order to make all that I can be come to pass, and now is as good as time as any to get started.
I love Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know where I came form, why I am here and where I am going!!
Hey are you still there?
I know that I have to be the worlds worst blogger. I started this blog with such good intentions and it all went to POT!! I am sorry to those of you that look everyday for some words of wisdom to be written here only to come up empty handed... Thanks for loving me anyway!
Dear friends... Hold on to your seats because I am back!! I can not promise words of wisdom or even anything worth the 5 minutes it might take you to read it. However I can promise you that I will be posting more often.
You see I am about to become old in just a few hours and it is a great time to make new goals. So here goes...
I have a goal to post daily about something that makes me smile!! I have found there is an awful lot in this world of ours that is cause for alarm. On the other hand there is even more out there that is cause for JOY. I intend to find at least one everyday and force you to read about it!!
Just to be clear I am fully aware that I can not force you to do anything. I do not intend to hold a gun to your head and enjoy the things that make me smile. I will not be coming to your homes every night to see if you have looked for a new post. I just don't have time for that, not to mention the fact that I do not own a gun.
I hope this new blog goal will be as fun in real life as it is in my head. Here we go...
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