I am not as young as I once was. Maybe I am loosing brain cells or something but I am not doing well. I am not sure how to study anymore. I don't know how to make my brain remember the things I read. I don't know how to make it make sense to me. I am not sure how to make the information become more than just words on a page. I am just not good at this....
I am not writing this down on here to make everyone feel bad for me or worry. I am need to vent it out. I know that attitude is everything and that if I think I will fail... I probably will. I just need to have a minute to freak out and consider dropping out of school!! I won't really do it, but it is . Also I know that whether I know every step of the Nitrogen Cycle or the difference in Prokaryote and Eukaryote organisms does not reflect the kind of nurse I will be. I just can't help but think that if this class is not sinking in then... Who the heck do I think I am!!??
So I will shed some tears and have a minor freak out and then go to bed. But before I go to sleep I will say my prayers and be thankful that my professor will drop a test!!