From the time we are little girls we are told wonderful stories. These were full of prince's, princesses, castles, lost shoes, and white horses! I am not sure many boys out there even cared about the fairy tale's we loved. But girls? We soaked up every word from the first time we heard Cinderella. This has yet to stop even today. We flock to the movie theaters to see the latest version of an amazing love story Hollywood has come up with.
We are told that someday a wonderful man will come along and sweep us off our feet!!! That moment is what we are all living for!! OK not all...Some of us have already fallen head over heals for a Knight in Shining Armor! (I will not mention that in doing so it leaves one less for the rest of us! But that is fine I am sure he would have driven me over the edge by now anyway!)
After watching one of Hollywood's versions tonight I got to thinking. This is not always, actually is is rarely a good thing. But it happen none the less. I think "He" must have misplaced his broom!!! I am sure his mother taught him how to properly use a broom. He must know it used for "sweeping." So there is no other explanation for this lack of Knight in my life! He has misplaced his broom!! He is not only forgetful but I am sure his floors are in need of a good cleaning!

And I can make my millions!!!!