Friday, April 16, 2010

Being born was the easy part.

Well I have made it to the ripe OLD age of 28. Pretty sure that number will take some getting used to! You see I have decided this morning that being born was mere child's play. Well compared to the rest of life. I mean for me it was a piece of cake. Don't get me wrong I was totally ticked off and come out ready to tell everyone exactly how I felt about it. Only I had not learned to speak the language of those around me. So out of utter disgust I just cried. I am certain that things were harder on my mom. She after all had to endure the labor and such. Sure I was cold, cheesy, had my eyes covered in some sort of goo, was poked and prodded in all kids of ways. But no matter how unsightly I may have looked at that moment. EVERYONE thought I was the sweetest, prettiest and most perfect baby girl. I had my entire family wrapped around my finger in no time. Yeah, you could say life was good!

And life is still good. I have much to be thankful for. My family, my friends, my job, the Gospel, my heath and even the fact that I am turning 28! You see I was a sick little thing and my Mom tells the story of looking at me through the window as they were getting ready to Life flight me out. She asked the question to me Grandma "What if he needs her more than I do?"

Have no fear folks there I was not ready to go back just yet. I am thankful that my 1 month old self decided to hang in there a little longer. I would have missed out on so much had I only had 1 month of this "Earth Life Fun." So I am thankful I am here.

But I will be honest I am having a hard time with the whole 28 thing. I guess it is because if you round up I am 30!!! How did this happen? I sort of feel like my life is in a continuous circle with no end and nothing in sight to shkae things up. I had no idea that my life would look like this at 28. Oh how I had plans for my life and they have sort of... Not happened.

But there is still time. At least I hope there is. Sometimes life is just hard. And often around our Birthdays that we get all reflective. So after much soul searching I have come to this conclusion: Being born was the easy part. The rest of life is when things get tricky. All we can do is enjoy the ride the best we can.

So I will grab my helmet, buckle up and see what the next 28 years has is store.

Friday, April 9, 2010

What made that a good idea in your head??

There are things about my "Just another day at the office" that are strange by definition. The people I meet and the things I see are always entertaining. And often down right disturbing. There are times when I shake my head and sit in wonder and Awe. Wondering how so many people make it to adulthood without major harm to themselves. There are so many strange people out there. And sure they are nice and all. However I often find myself thinking..."What made that a good idea in your head?"

You see there are a few things that you should just think about before you do. I know that in my line of work I will on a daily basis hold in my hand multiple bodily fluids. I am totally fine with this. In fact it does not bother me in the least. There are words that are in my everyday vocabulary that are not in most peoples. Like urine, stool, blood, serum, sputum...the list could go on and on. But to keep you form dry heaving and not see this post out to the end I will assume you get the idea.

So just because I am totally fine with said items. That does not mean I want them handed across the counter and into my FACE!!! This is why I say people need to think before they do. What in the world would make a person think I (or any lab person) would enjoy their specimen to be inches form our face. Not to mention the large red signs all over the counter that read "Do not place specimens on the counter." I know that most people just want to do the hand off as quick as possible. And if eye contact could be avoided that would be even better. But you see we must follow the rules and do things according to protocol. So shoving your samples into our faces is not going to make this interaction we are about to have any less awkward. We are here for you and would love to help you with ANY sample you bring us. All we ask is that we are able to take care of it with our hands and not our face.

I had an experience the other day that is now very near the top of my "Why is this happening?" list. I am talking about those experiences we all have that make us look around for the cameras. And raise our eyebrows ever so slightly. I seem to have a lot of these experiences and there is never a camera to be found.

So there I was doing a Bilirubin test on a sweet newborn. He was doing a great job of filling the air with screaming. While his parents were in their own little world. Let me first tell you a little about the parents. They were rocker's of sorts. Mom was looking like she had just had a baby tired and hapy. But dad...He was wearing SKINNY JEANS!!! For those who don't know this about me...Skinny Jeans freak me right out. Well while I was allowing the blood fill my tube. Dad decided this was a great time to serenade his wife. I am not kidding folks! I can't make this stuff up. He was dancing, singing and caressing her face. It was like my own private concert. I wanted so badly to say "Don't mind me." But instead I was in such shock that I said nothing. I simple finished my draw and sent them on their way.

You see friends there are some things that should be thought through. I remember these little things that I think are totally strange. Then I wonder how many times I have been on the other end and made my way to the top of somebodies "Why is this happening" list. Life is good and the awkward and even annoying moments make it that much better!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

His name shall be HENRY!

You know when you have a very large Elephant in the room. Well I am living with said Elephant. He has moved in, follows me from room to room, has a looming presence. And to my knowledge is not paying any portion of the rent. I have yet to be formerly introduced and to be frank I am OK with that. I tend to get attached to things once I know their name. And I am ready for him to be gone FOREVER! I know that he is a him because he is causing me some serious grief. Like most men in my life. So using my deductive reasoning skills I have determined he is in fact a HIM!

I have been told we are not going to talk about him. We will pretend he does not exist and all will be well. I am not entirely sure how this will work. You see he is the size of an ELEPHANT!!! But alas I will refrain and not talk about him. I will instead feel his beady little eyes peer into the back of head. He is very taunting. He wants to be talked about. You see he is somewhat of a glory hog. But seeing as we are not allowed to talk about him at this time. He is going to just hang in the air taunting me.

I am not sure how long he will stay. But as long as he is here I have decided he needs a name. Not his actual name. Remember I have attachment issues and especially to inanimate objects. So I will give him a name of my choosing. That name shall be Henry. It is a good Strong name. And the first 2 letters reconfirm that he is a he. Also I like to say it because it makes me think of Ever After and a good Chick Flick reference is always nice.

So Henry welcome to my house. I hope you enjoy your stay. Please feel free to do any tiding up in you spare time. And remember I will not be the least bit sad to see you leave. Until then lets try to make this arrangement the best we can for everyone.