Saturday, December 18, 2010

Family...Isn't it about time??

About time we do something NORMAL!?!?!

I mean really we seem to be normal people on the outside. And sadly the inner working don't seem all the strange to us. Well until we say these things out loud!!!

Lets take out Family Christmas Party for instance. We all get together, have good food, play games, bond, laugh, somebody usually cries, there is some sort of disagreement and we all leave as friends. That seems to be pretty normal and right up there with the rest of the families in the world.

We have a "white Elephant" gift exchange. We do true White Elephant gifts of items found around your house. You may get a tie, a lid to a pan, 4 stale Lofthouse Cookies, a Vacation in a box, a bracelet, a box of Mac... You get the idea still seems normal right? Well here it comes I am going to say it out loud...Or if you are really lucky you might get Grandpa!!!

My grandfather passed away 2 years ago. Like all families this passing was hard for everyone. Unlike most families his remains are a common topic of discussion. (I know I keep saying these things out loud and you are getting more and more disturbed. Please just remember we all look normal on the outside!!) You see Grandpa was cremated and now sits on a bookshelf at my moms house. Why we can't buy a plot and bury the Urn is beyond me!! Her mom, my Grandma (who is divorced from my grandpa mind you) has decided that he needs to be shared with everyone!! We are not talking every other weekend with the urn folks!! Grandma has decided that we should split the ashes and everyone can have part of Grandpa. I know you are sitting there reading this either shaking your head, you have gone back to make sure you read that last part right, or your mouth is not gaping open. It is OK! Yes you read it right. And NO I am not kidding.

Ashlee my little sister has had this running joke that we should give Grandpa as a White Elephant gift at the Family Christmas Party for the last year. And please know we mean no disrespect. But rather know that Grandpa would be gathering all his angel friends around to have a look at the totally fun Grandkids he has!! And then he would point out his lovely daughters crying in the corner.

We (the grandkids) do not see how this is any less OK than splitting up his ashes. We have no intentions of ever opening the urn, But rather get something that signifies Grandpa to put in the gift pile. Then the lucky person that draws that gift will be the one to spend the coming year with Grandpa! Seem fair enough and far less disturbing to us.

What signifies grandpa you might be asking yourself. Well please have not fear I will tell you!! AS SEEN ON T.V.!!! That says Grandpa loud and clear!!! He was know for his Christmas Gifts!! Every year it was a joy to find out what grandpa sent us. He spent a lot of time looking at ads and watching commercials on TV. He would then purchase these items and send them to us for Christmas. You could get anything form a necklace, doll, or Christmas bear. To a Microwave Bacon cooker, Orange juicer or a set of salt and pepper shakers that could only fit the enough for one potato!! We loved and looked forward to Grandpas gifts all year!!

So this is our plan... Get an As seen on TV item from the store (you can get them in stores now!! Grandpa would be so happy about that!) The lucky person gets to take ALL of Grandpa and the newly purchased item home...until next year!! Grandpa gets to stay together and still be shared around the family. Anything else you would like us to solve.

Oh and I think I forgot to mention on little detail...We (the grandkids) will vow to share any inside information we may have as to the location, and wrapping paper of the As Seen on TV gift. You see we all love Grandpa but we are OK not spending the coming year with him!!

I am sure that everyone thinks their family is strange and I am sure they are it some extent. But if you ever get feeling down and want to know you are not alone. Just know that until you start having discussions about Grandpa...You and your family are totally fine!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How embarrassing...Somebody must have burned something.

So today started like any other day. I got up and went to work. I had planned to leave early and spend the day doing not much of anything at all. And much to my surprise I ACTUALLY DID!!! As I was leaving I was thinking of all the things I could get done while had a few hours off. But I kept having this thought to go home first. Bella needs to go out, you can change your clothes...things like that. So I did I come home first. I parked my car in the driveway and went to get the mail.

At that point I heard this alarm sound and thought to myself "How embarrassing somebody is burning something and the fire alarm is going off." "I sure hope they are OK. But for the love it is going for a long time." Well the closer I got the front door the louder it was coming from inside! So naturally I opened the door and went in! There was no smoke and not fire smell so at that point I knew it was not fire about to burn the house down and take me with it! However I did think to myself "Get the rubbermaid in my closet for Michelle!"

Now I knew it was a CO2 problem and I needed to figure out what to do. But first I had to open the bathroom door and get Bella. I just kept hoping she was ok...And she came bounding out like normal!! So together we looked around and made some calls. I called mom and Mindy to see if they had any ideas of what the problem might be or what to do. Mom said to call Todd Worthen because he put them in, like I have his number?!!? :) She then said to call the fire department and have them come check it out. So I did just that. I was told to close all doors and windows and stay outside. So I sat in my car and waited for them to come after all it is a balmy 12 degrees outside.

And boy did they come!!! 3 Fire Trucks, 8 Firefighters, 2 police cars, 1 ambulance and 1 paramedic. There has not been traffic on our street in the entire time I have lived here like there was today!! But who does not love a good rubbernecking session?!?!?!

I was quizzed on all the regular questions from the police officer. He asked how long I have owned the house. I went on to tell him I actually was not the owner. I told him my brother and his family had move to the Philippines and I was watching the house. I also told him I really did not want to make the phone call to tell them I burned the house down. So whatever they could do to help me out would be wonderful!!

Well they went in and did a thorough check of the entire house and found the detector in my room was the one that set them all off. But the could not detect high levels when they were here. So they reset them all for me and said it was safe to be in the house. But they said because they were not sure why it went off to be sure and call them back if it happens again.

Then they all loaded up in their respective vehicles and took off. They said to be sure and call again if anything happens. That they would rather come 20 times and find nothing than to come once and find things much worse. So we will be sure to do that!!

Well I just wanted to give you an update on my day!! So much for it being a lazy afternoon out early form work!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just a few things that have passed through my head...

I know you all have had random thoughts that run through your head. Some are amusing, other depressing and some are just thoughts! I have been having lots of these moments lately and feel this is a great place to share them with you!

Why is it OK to add things to Chicken salad that you would never eat on bread alone? I mean when was the last time you enjoyed a refreshing Grape sandwich?? Or a celery sandwich?? But add those to some Chicken Salad and you have yourself a meal!

Why does cough syrup make things worse? I have never been pursing the cold medicine looking for something to accentuate my symptoms. Yet we buy this stuff and end up with less money and a worse cough that we had before we went in the store. I know the point is to get whatever is in your lungs out. But come on there has to be a better way than to add "Expectorant" to the already nasty liquid! After all I believe the rule is get sleep when you are not feeling well. But who can sleep while hacking up their left lung!?

I know I am not alone on this one... "Why did I not think of that!?" At work we just purchased some plastic cold bricks with a holes in the middle! This is used to keep tubes cold for optimal testing, as some test are more special than others. Before the bricks arrived we would simply put the tube in a big with ice and send it to the lab. But now we have "something that will make our job so much easier!" Seriously how hard would that have been to come up with! I mean it must have been a little bit difficult and I should give credit where credit is due. "Good job" to the person who has made my job easier! But come on it is a plastic brick filled with water and hole in the middle. It is so depressing when you come across something like this. It makes it near impossible to not ask yourself "WHY did I not think of that?"

What in the world are animals thinking!? I know there are people out there that believe their pet is the smartest there is! I am not one of those people. As you all know I have moved into my brothers house for 2 years while they are out of the country. Well with this beautiful home comes with the family dog. She is a sweet little poodle that loves everyone. Well most of the time she does. However she is mouthy and insists on parking at everything and nothing ALL THE TIME! She will walk around the house growling. But at what exactly is beyond us. There is nothing there for her to alarmed at. But she is going to show that nothingness she is boss. But my question is WHY?? She must have thought this through in her little dog brain and it seemed like a good idea to her. Maybe animals are just like us and have "it seemed like a good idea in my head" moments too!

Well there you have it! This my friends is what goes on in my head! Thank for coming along for the ride!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Precious Moments!

As most of you reading this know I have some very exciting and sad things coming my way in the next week! My brother, his wife, my niece, nephew and little sister are moving out of the country!!! They will be boarding a plane and heading to the Philippines! This is so exciting for them!! And not all bad for me! I will be living in their house and taking care of things while they are gone!

But I am going to miss them like crazy!!!! I am not sure what I will do when I can not send them a text or drive the 5 mins to see them. It is going to be a real challenge for me! But I will be OK! We can email and send pictures and skype!

So I keep telling myself it will be fine! And it will!!!

Tonight I was up watching the kids and loving every minute of it!! I was standing in the kitchen and Kaitlyn came up to me and said "Aubie I need to tell you something" So I bent down to her level and she wrapped her arms around my neck and said "I love you so much!" She is only 4 and has no idea that moment is something that will help me through the next 2 years!

Later in the evening I was laying on the couch with Brycen just soaking up that time! When he said out of nowhere "I love you Aubie!" WOW I am not sure if it gets better than that!! He is a darling little man and I will hang onto that cuddle for a good long while...Something like 2 years!

Well look for yourself at these darling little people and you will see why their Auntie Aubie loves them!
They love each other so much!!
Even half asleep he is darling!! I chose this picture because he looked similar to this while cuddling tonight!
She is a princess!!! Her smile allows her to get away with just about anything!!

Well I love them and will miss them more than I even know!

I know that I am going to miss the adults that will be leaving so much! Don't think I won't!!! I am super close to my little sister! I could not ask for a better sister in law! And my big brother is always there for me! (Even it this means changing a tire when he has other things to do!) My hope is this experience will be something we will all look back on in 2 years, and be amazed how much closer together being an ocean apart has brought us!

I love you all!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jail Time!

I finally figured out a way to post this story on my blog!!! It is one that I will want to keep around for posterity and I figure this is a pretty safe place! So I am sorry for all of you that thought this was a new tale of me going to jail. But it is not and for the record I do not intend on ever making a trip there again! And for those of you that have read this on facebook it is nothing new! But you are more than welcome to read it again! After all it is a pretty good story if I do say so myself and...I do!!

My Time in the SLAMMER!!!

This little tale begins on 10/13/2007, a rather normal night. I was pulled over, not all that out of the ordinary. I was told by the nice officer that I had a headlight out. And I truly had no idea until that point. Well I was issued a “Fix It” ticket and told I had 14 day’s to fix it. Then present at the court house and prove it was in working order. I accepted my fate, and we parted ways. I went home and the next morning my car refused to start. I was so angry, and put off getting it fixed until I had the money!! Well I could not very well prove to the police officer that my headlight was working if I could not even get my car to turn on!! (In hindsight I realize I could have called and explained the situation but I did not think about that at the time.)

Shaniqua was back on the road on 11/13/2007!!! I was so happy I almost did a little dance when I was informed that she was ready for me!! I picked her at around 10 pm. I was driving home feeling pretty good about having my wheels back. When just as I had cranked up the radio and getting into my song. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw the much to familiar flashing red, blue and white lights!! “What in the heck did I do now?” kept running through my head as I waited ever so patiently for the police officer to make his way to my window. I was told that my headlight was out. I was given another “Fix-it” ticket. Again I was given the run down of how to take care of it. I was under the impression that they were now one ticket and if I got it fixed I would be fine! Boy oh boy was I ever wrong!!

The fateful date of 11/19/2007 came. Heather and I were out doing some Christmas shopping. We were headed to grab a late night bite to eat. When, to my dismay the lights were flashing in my mirror. Well again the officer came to my window and told me my light was out. I explained that I was aware of this and would be going to get it fixed in just 2 days when I get paid! I also mentioned that I had 2 tickets but was under the understanding that they were now one. He said “You know those go to warrant.” I honestly thought he was kidding. Heather and I had a good laugh about how funny it would be if I really had a warrant out for my arrest.

The officer came back and said “Miss Bailey I have some bad news for you. There is a warrant for your arrest and I by law have to take you into custody.” I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face. Then when he continued to look less than amused, I realized he might be serious. I said “Are you for real?” He said “Oh yes I am.” Still thinking this was some kind of joke I said “Can you handcuff me?” He said “I have to. Would you please step out of the vehicle?” Oh my heck, it was just like on TV and I was the female lead! I got out and was crying and laughing all at the same time. I was pleased to see that another officer had come to join the fun. I will never look at those people the same on the side of the road with multiple officers there. It was all protocol I guess. I was told to stand against the back of the car and place my hands behind my back. The second officer asked me how I was doing, what did he want me to say? “I am so good” was all that came out of my mouth. I was still looking around trying to find the cameras. But don’t be fooled like I was, there were no cameras. As I was being cuffed, I asked “Do I have to talk to my bishop about this.” The officers just looked at each other as if they wanted to ask, “is this girl for real?’ Heather asked me over and over if she wanted me to have her call my mom. And without really thinking I said “Yeah and why don’t you call my work and the Herald Journal as well!”

I still was thinking this is a really good joke, somebody got me really good. And when I find out who they are, I will get them back. I was promptly put into the police car. The new Charger and they are really nice incase anybody is wondering. The officer got on his radio and called into where ever they call into. To say he is in route with a white female 1082. He gave his starting mileage to the person on the other end of the line and we were off. It was so odd to know I was being talked about on the radio I loved to listen to at Jenny and Ben’s.

I still thought it was a prank, I mean I was being arrested!!! We were driving toward the jail. The officer was explaining that if Heather had not been there they would have impounded my car. And how big of a fine that would have been. I don’t know if he thought he was helping, but I defiantly preferred the silence. It was giving me time to think about how I was going to get back at whoever did this to me. At the gate the officer radioed inside and said “This is so and so I am here with a white female 1082. My ending mileage is blah, blah, blah.” “Come on in.” said the voice from the inside. Out of curiosity I asked the office “What is a 1082?” “It means you’re a prisoner.” He must have seen the shock on my face because he quickly changed his definition to “Well a person in custody.”

We waited while these doors opened and I was driven inside a concrete room. The doors closed with a slam. This is when I realized “Holy Crap! I am in jail.” I was told to stay in the car while he came around and took off my seat belt. I felt like I was 4 years old again and my parents were helping me because the button was too hard. But this time I was just handcuffed and couldn’t do it myself if I really wanted to. I was walked inside and told to take a seat on the chair. I looked at what they called a chair. That is a chair? I would have called it a concrete block but, whatever.

I was not sure of the rules. Was I allowed to talk, blink, cough, crack my knuckles out of shear terror? There really should be a hand book. While I was sitting there scared out of my mind. I remember something Heather had said to me right before I was asked to “step out of the vehicle.” “Aubrey your zipper is down.” Great I had not zipped it up, so I was bearing my whole self to anyone who wanted to look. Remember I was handcuffed, so the chances of somehow getting it up I was out of the question. But I was not about to ask the officer to do it for me. I may be in jail, but I have standards to uphold. So I just sat there on my “chair” with my zipper down.

The officer filled out all kinds of paper work while I just sat there. I knew Heather was there to bail me out and just kept thinking this was such a waste of time. But who am I to question the judicial system. He was finally done with his paper work and called the female office in from the other room. She waited outside while the large metal doors slid open for her to enter. I was ok with the extra company that is until I saw she was wearing latex gloves! I was going over in my mind all the reasons she might need gloves and let’s just say there is not one that was pleasant. I was freaking out, but my zipper was already down that should save her some work heaven; forbid I was going to get a complete search. The officer who brought me in, well his work was done. So he gave me his regards and left me alone with the gloved woman. I was told to spit out my gum. I was so embarrassed I was in jail, my zipper was down and now I had to have bad breath? I had sunk to an all time low! I was told to stand with my feet apart and face the wall. I was then patted down. I was so uncomfortable I hate being touched. And I was having my pockets gone through, and the waist band of my pants searched. Um hello? I was then finally un-cuffed and told to sit back on my chair. I had to remove my shoes and socks. Which might I add did not match and one had a whole in it. But I did have on clean underwear! But thank heavens I was not asked to prove it. I asked her if Dr Redd was working that night. She said "No, why?" I just smiled and said "Well he is a good family friend and since I am here I thought I would say hello!" You guesse it was was answered with the look I was starting to know.

I was taken to the holding cell where I would wait until they were ready for me. Let me paint you a picture of my surroundings…. The cell was about 5 rows of very low end theater chairs. There was a large window that you could see nothing out of. However I am fairly confident that from the other side you could see everything just fine. There was a phone used for making that “one phone call” (Just a word of warning. You are only allowed to call land lines from the slammer. No cell phones or collect folks this is jail. So if you ever foresee you self in the slammer make sure you have at least one phone number memorized.) There is a restroom that I am sure you could use if you really had to go. But know this there is no door, so you have to be pretty uncomfortable to take that step.

I know by this point you are wondering who was in the cell with me? So I will just go ahead and tell you. There was “Rocking Man” he was crying and rocking back and forth on the floor. I don’t think he was really happy to be there. Next we have “No friend’s man” he was using the phone to call all the people in his life. Trying to raise bail money, so he could go home and sleep in his own bed. And last but not least we have “Memory loss man” Our conversation went a little something like this:

MLM- “So what you in for?”

Me- “A fix it ticket.”

MLM- “A what?”

Me- “My headlight was out.”

MLM – “Oh ok”

Roughly 3 minutes would go by and the conversation would happen all over again. Until the officer saw what was happening and told him to turn around a face the wall. Needless to say I would not be making any friends for life in this environment. I sort of stuck out like a sore thumb.

Finally my name was called. I was ready to be booked into jail! I went up to the counter where I was asked a battery of questions from who my parents are to where I work. Excuse me but is my life story really of their business? But again who am I to question the law.

It was time for finger prints and a mug shot. For those of you who have never had their finger prints taken, it’s not all that pleasant. They soak each finger and then press it rather hard onto screen for the computer to read. Well naturally my fingerprints were not reading. So the officer held my fingers up real close to his face and simply said “that’s what I thought.” I said “Sir I promise they are mine.” He looked at me with that look I was getting really used to and said “your hands are just really dry.” Talk about kicking me when I am down. All I could say in my defense was “Well if I had known I was coming I would have had a manicure.” I was given that look and then nothing but silence.

Now it was time for the mug shot. This is only going to happen once in my lifetime so I did not want to screw it up. I asked the officer what I was supposed to do. He said just stand there. Ok but do I smile, look all sorts of ticked off, look into the camera?? Once again a handbook would have been really helpful. I was still totally out of my element so I asked him “how does my hair look?” “Your hair looks fine. On 3.” Ok well since I was given no further guidelines I decided to make this a good picture! So I cheesed the heck out of the shot. I am talking head tilted and showing all my pearly whites. I have never seen this picture of myself but I am pretty sure it is amazing.

Heather was asked for the money to bail me out with. She handed it over, signed some papers and I was a free woman! Talk about a once in a lifetime experience! 2.5 hours and $250.00 was about all I could handle. I went to my mom’s house to give the full report of my night. I got there and the door was locked, lights off and everyone was asleep. They thought it was a joke! So I was in the slammer and my mom went to bed. I finally woke Ashlee up with the doorbell. I went straight to my mom’s bedroom and showed her my bruised wrists from the handcuffs. She said nothing but “you went to jail?” And that is when I burst into tears! But now it makes for a great story

Just saying...

You ever just have those days when you just need to get "IT" off your chest!?!?! Well I have been having about 3 weeks of said "get-it-off -my-chest-ness!" I have decided what better way to let it all out than to BLOG!!

I mean no offense with this post and I need you to know that right up front! If we are still going to be friends after you read this...Please proceed!!!

1) When walking down the stairs with a buddy why must you stand side by side?? You see doing so will block the stairs for anybody that may need to go up. I know it is somewhat like a small personal parade as we stand there and wait for you. But unless we are throwing candy and waving as you go by, we are nothing more that annoyed! Please have a little common sense and even though there is some negative connotation with this statement...Walk a step behind!

2) If you are coming to the hospital to leave a urine sample please do not use the restroom on the way out the door. You see coming to the desk and demanding a urine cup is fine. But that is as far as I can help you! The fact that you took care of business before you left the house is beyond my control.

3) You are the one that knows your schedule not me! I know that it may come to a shock to you but I have no way of knowing you have an appointment in 3 minutes. You may decide to inform me of this is and that is great and I will do my best to get you through. But lack of planning on your part is not and emergency on mine!

4) Our wait times are in no way a personal attack! I know that a 20-30 minute wait time for blood work seems like a long time. But you should feel some comfort in knowing you have this fact in common with the rest of the waiting room!! :) So please have a seat, find a magazine and try to remain calm!

5) Pacing in front of my desk is not going to make me work any faster! Until you see me flipping through a magazine with my feet on the desk refer to my advice in #4!

6) Simple math is hard for some people! I ask the same question multiple times a day. It is a simple question that holds the capability to blow the minds of the general public. Are you ready??? Here is is the famous question..."How long have you been fasting?" Poof!!!! I get anything from blank stares, um..., I have no idea, since yesterday, last night, and my personal favorite from this last week "Not since last night at like 11:00 so I guess that is like 24 hours!" Well yes it would be 24 hours if was 11:00 at night and not 7:30 in the morning!!! I am no mathematician but all I could do was smile and continue to do my job!

Well I am feeling a little better and thank you all for coming along on this little rant!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

She is MY MOM!!!

I am sure that everyone thinks they have the "Worlds Greatest Mom." Well I beg to differ! My mom is truly an amazing, wonderful, kind, loving person. Because of this she can make somewhat of a scene from time to time. She is know for going into the grocery store or even the Ladies Room and coming out with a friend!!! She has bonded over asparagus and toilet paper! And that I am sure of!!

So what would make me think a night out to the Eccles Theater would be any different!?

We happened to be sitting next to a sweet elderly gentlemen from Virginia. He was there to support his granddaughter. He was wearing his WWII hat with pride! He had lost an arm but that did not stop him from clapping. He simply clapped his hand against his chest. He reminded me of my grandfather and the pride he had for his granddaughter was visible for all to see! He was Darling!!! And naturally my mom made a friend!

However he was not the only sweet elderly man in attendance. We were privileged to be in the same room as Elder L. Tom Perry. I shook his hand!!!! It was amazing to see the amount of genuine love for everyone he talked to radiate from him. I have never been that close to an apostle of the Lord before. It was something I will not soon forget. Or ever for that matter!!

Please leave it my mom to insure these two special gentlemen met. There we were standing outside waiting to meet the cast. When the next ting I know my mom is leading Elder Perry toward us. She was saying "Could I introduce you to a friend of mine!" The two men visited for a few minutes and then parted ways.

I was teasing her that only MY mother would accost an apostle!! She went on to tell me why...
Right after she joined the church she had the opportunity to introduce her father to an apostle and did not take it. She said she was not going to miss that chance again!

I learned something very special from my mom tonight. She taught me that there is always time to make somebody feel important! If my mom can find the time to do this! And Elder Perry can find that time! Then why can't I!? Why can't we all!?

I love my mom so much and I am thankful for the lesson I learned tonight!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Oregon Coast 2010!!!!

We packed up the Van and headed for Oregon!! It was amazing to have limited cell phone coverage and no email for 10 days!!!! We used every seat belt in the van and filled every extra space with something we NEEDED to have while camping!!! There were 3 adults, Miriah, Heather and ME! One Teenager: Mandy! And Miriah's 3 little children Mirissa 5, Carson 3 and Zach 1!! It was a blast! Here is my trip in pictures!!!

But before you get started on this little adventure I have a confession to make...

I wrote this post while watching the OCD Project on hulu. Seems harmless right??? Well not really...I have found that it is driving me nuts that I am not able to get my pictures loaded in the correct order. You know from the beginning of my trip to the end. But after many fights with blogger....I have decided to let it go!!!

So please enjoy my vacation in Rewind!!!

We were given "Wonky" directions that ended up adding 5 hours to our return trip!!!! Making it 20 hours instead of 15. He had been driving for 10 hours and had gone less than 400 miles. Low speed limits and winding roads are not a good combo. But along the way we did see this tree. It is full of SHOES... No idea why. But it is what it is!!!
Here is a full view of the tree!
People are so strange. Who decides..."well we have this tree and I have a pair of old shoes. What if I thrown them up there and see if over time others will join me?!?!" I secretly wish I have added my shoes to this one of kind tree!
The sunset on the Ocean is BEAUTIFUL!!! I will not dispute this at all. But I think I prefer my mountain sunsets!
It is still breathtaking!! Heavenly Father sure knows what he is doing!
Kind of dark but I guess it is natures "Mood Lighting" too bad the only men on this trip were 3 and 1!
This is what happens when you eat a marshmallow in the dark!!
This picture was taken on the anniversary of Micheal Jackson's death. So this is my tribute to MJ..."It don't matter if your black or white!!"

I love this picture!!! The light house about 1 mile from our campsite!

Playing on the rocks, waiting for the sun to set!

Coming back from the Tide Pools. We got up really early so everyone is really tired!! But later this day we all took a nap!!!
TIDE POOLS!!!We went in this cave at low tide! These little guys would spit water on you if you touched them. It was pretty fun for the kids!

ELEPHANT ROCK: Don't ask me I did not name it!

Finding sea life is fun!!

The ocean is beautiful, but I will be honest it kinda freaks me out!

FACE ROCK: Do you see the face???
More searching for sea creatures!

I found one!!
We went down to California to see the Redwoods. People have always said pictures do not do them any justice. And I totally agree...Plan a trip if you have not seen them!
Here is a picture of the California Coast.
And another one. It is all so beautiful, the pictures are good...But not quite the same!

This a hallowed out tree. I have never seen anything like this in my life. They are massive!
Mandy twisted her ankle but was a trooper and limped around all day!

More of the California Coast.

OK so these flowers were a testimony builder to me. I know that seems strange but this is why. Heavenly Father wanted this earth to be beautiful for his children. But he took the time to make this little flower. It was a beautiful pink with little streamer like things coming out the middle. But then to make it even better the middle was a deep purple. It was beautiful and reminded me that we need to take the time to notice all the beautiful things we have!!!

Here is a picture of the 3 of us at the top of the Tram we rode through the Redwoods. The trip up was really scary but the view was totally worth it!!

My favorite tree in the forest. The main tree is growing sideways but because the tree needs the sun to survive it grew 3 other trees that reach the sun. And those 3 live off the root system of the sideways tree! I was amazed by this tree!!! Now that is some of the best Team Work I have ever seen!!!

Another view from the top!!

The tram basket!!

The Brotherhood Tree. This is by far the largest tree I have ever seen!!!

Just take a look at these trees they are beautiful!!

Paul Bunion and Babe the Big Blue OX!!!

The California Coast!!
We went to a Wile Safari Park in Bandon Oregon!!! We were able to hold animals we would not otherwise get to hold!!!
Like a Lion Cub!! He was 11 weeks old!

And 5 week old Tiger cubs!!
Or a Opossum!
I wanted to bring him home!!! His paws were my favorite part!!

He is so ugly he is kind of cute!

We fed the animals and they were a very friendly!!! But we did smell like a goat by the time we left!! YUCK!

She is a "City Girl!"
This little guy was found in our camp! I am positive this is the smallest frog I have ever seen!

Saw this sign and decided I want to live in BLISS!!! Exit 137 and you are there. Who knew it was so easy!

View from the Columbia River.

We saw this sign in Eugene Oregon. I am not sure what the purpose is. But I will say I was feeling very calm! I bet Bliss is full of these signs!!!

Saw this town and had to stop. It is not often you see Linn spelled this way. Well not unless you are in this town or looking over my birth certificate!!!

We saw some beautiful waterfalls along the way!!!

Here is a picture of one of them!!!

We found out the hard way the difference between "Weather Resistant" and"Water Proof." But have not fear...I spent 14$ on bungee cords and like any good girl scouts we took care of it! Never mind that there was a police officer watching us but never offering to help. OR that once we got is all covered we did not see a drop of rain!!

Well my friends that was my trip in a NUTSHELL!!! I hope you enjoyed that backward trip to Oregon! I know I loved it going forward!!!
Oh I forgot to mention....I saw 2 police officers in the entire state of Oregon. And yes one of them pulled me over!!! He said I was going 14 over and seemed to be distracted. Perhaps he did not know I was fro out of town and distracted taking in all the sights? But he was kind and let me off with a warning. So I considered my self warned and try really hard to not speed until I saw the "Welcome to Idaho sign!!" Then it was smooth sailing!!